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KJAN Trading Post

Listen each weekday at 10:15 am and 2:15 pm for “TRADING POST” on AM 1220/FM 101.1, KJAN!

Trading Post rules: limit 3 items per call (any combination of buy, sell, trade, rent or giveaway), we will not accept items that are being sold as part of a regular business venture. Please let us know if you have sold your item or found what you were looking for so we can mark it appropriately.

Do you have an item for the Trading Post?
E-mail it to us!


Trading Post

October 26th, 2011 by Jim Field

GIVE AWAY: 1980 something fridge with freezer on top. Free to first person that can come carry up the stairs & take away. 712-254-0885

FOR SALE: 1 pair atlans tubeless G70 – 14 snow tires on 5 bolt rims $60; 64×32 oak curved glass curio cabinet wtih glass shelves $125; new in box – Atwood 22 ft. u-Hull boat cover. $150. 712-792-9447

YARD SALE: multi-family yard sale at 507 4th St. in Grant, Sat. October 29th & Sun. October 30th from 9-6. Any questions call 712-763-4582.

FOR RENT: 1 bedroom house, available in 30 days, no smoking, no pets, off street parking $275 per month, $350 deposit. 712-249-6223

FOR SALE: White door storm in good shape with hardware and chain and other hardware.  24343-08.

WANTED:  4 stock chevy aluminum rims 17″….would like to have those fit an old Ford Chevy Pickup half ton.  712-304-0794.


Trading Post

October 25th, 2011 by Jim Field

We need to find a good home for a beautiful, young female dog that arrived at our house a couple of days ago. She is black and white spotted with some brown on her face. She has a gray collar on and is very friendly. Please call 712-249-6017 or 712-250-3416 if you would like to own this nice dog.

FOR SALE: 2 Larsen storm doors, brown, 36×81, have upper glass & screen $25 each; 7 ft. green artifical Christmas tree, branches come off, tripod stand, nicely shaped. $50 obo. 641-746-2583 (Casey)

FOR SALE: Medium sized burgundy recliner that was bought at Audubon Furniture Mart about 6 months ago.  $150 obo.  249-2509.

WANTED: 26 or 27″ bike…can be 10 speed – 18 speed.  712-250-0788.


Trading Post

October 24th, 2011 by Jim Field

FOR SALE: a boxer dog hes 3 years old and up to date on shots and also has a micro chip if your interested please call me or text me with an offer,  Ashley 515-612-5589.

FOR SALE: Antique spinning wheel $100.00, also 14 place setting of Blue Currier & Ives dishes by Royal. Includes accessories: covered butter dish, 3 platters, casserole dish, teapot, 3 tier serving plate, calendar plate, cream and sugar and gravy boat. $350.00. Call after 6:00 pm. 712-769-2646.

FOR SALE: Two tickets to Vikings/Oakland Raiders game in Minnesota, Sunday, November 20. $75.00 each. Call 712-243-2388.

FOR SALE: a 1985 chevy celebrity v6 runs $500.00 or best offer call 712-579-0009.

FOR SALE: 52 ft. extension ladder, aluminum $75; FREE TO GOOD HOME: 1 yr old Jack Russel mix, female. 712-763-4582

FOR SALE: Firewood going for $75 per load…one load left.  Also is willing to cut down trees, but would not be able to do anything more than 3 feet accross…also could only cut down trees in more open areas.  778-4672.


Trading Post

October 21st, 2011 by Jim Field


FOR SALE: 1950’s style 42″ diameter chrome table with 4 matching chrome chairs, like new condition.  Atwood 22 foot V-Haul boat cover, new in box.  Also 64 tall, 32 wide curved glass light oak curio cabinet with mirror and glass shelves.  $160 on each of the items.  712-792-9447.


Trading Post

October 20th, 2011 by Jim Field

FOR SALE: Wooden Swing set with club house.   Has 2 swings, tire swing, monkey bar, rock climbing wall and sandbox.
$250 obo.  Call 243-1179 after 5:00 p.m.

FOR SALE: 1951 Ford Straight Truck full of iron…it weighs 12,000 lbs, looking for $250 per ton.  Also is looking for 6-12 wooden chairs.  402-740-0109.

FOR SALE: Insulated Brown Duck overalls, Large 42-44. $35. 712-782-3153.

FOR SALE: 2 tickets to Iowa vs. Indiana @ 11 am, Saturday, October 22nd on 30 yd. line. $50 each. 712-249-8037. SOLD


Trading Post

October 20th, 2011 by admin

FOR SALE: Wood cutting buz saw, fits International H or M tractor or other tractors with adaptations $400; 42″ Poulan riding mower, runs great $350; having a moving sale things from A-Z. 2402 Nighthawk Ave, Hamlin. 712-268-2656 or 712-304-4998


Trading Post

October 19th, 2011 by admin

FOR RENT: 1 bedroom house, available in 30 days, no smoking, no pets, off street parking $275 per month, $350 deposit. 712-249-6223

WANTED: 6-12 good solid wood chairs.  402-740-0109.

FOR SALE: Exercise bike $50.00 or best offer, 712-764-5102

FOR SALE: Solid wood bunk beds, double bed on bottom, twin bed on top, comes with ladder, in great shape. $100. 249-2642.

FOR SALE: Newer Baby stroller, in excellent condition, very clean and very nice, $20.  Retro and really fun pink 3 piece luggage set, the hard-side, last forever Samsonite, in good condition, $50 for the matching set.  Call 243-2388 and leave a message.


Trading Post

October 18th, 2011 by Jim Field

WANTED: A double mattress and boxspring bed.  Would like it to be clean.  You can reach me at 712-773-3017.

FOR SALE:  American 4 mag wheels…aluminum racing, size 17, will fit a jeep with large bolt pattern or Oldsmobile Cutlass or Ford Ranger, Chevy 5.1 bolt pattern. Like new, only been driven in Atlantic, not on any highways.  Bought for $115 per tire, looking for $600 obo.  Also would be willing to trade the wheels for a car.  243-7084


Trading Post

October 17th, 2011 by Jim Field

FOR SALE: White Wicker Furniture: Love Seat and Chair with new stuffed cushions and matching coffee table. $75.  Ten Speed Bike, Ladies, $25.  Area Rug Navy Blue $10.  Call 712-243-2388 and leave a message.

WANTED: Work for construction company in Atlantic soon to get laid off for winter have CDL wanting to know if any farmers need grain driver or any help call 515-612-5588 thanks.

FOR SALE: Dell 15″ computer monitor – $20; Green couch – $25; 20″ Bicycle – $10. Call 243-4339.

FOR RENT: 1 bedroom house, available in 30 days, no smoking, no pets, off street parking $275 per month, $350 deposit. 712-249-6223

FOR SALE: Firewood going for $75 per load…elm and walnut available.  Also is willing to cut down trees, but would not be able to do anything more than 3 feet accross…also could only cut down trees in more open areas.  778-4672.

FOR SALE:  King-sized bed that comes with a head board and mattress thats in good condition.  $150 obo.  249-1825.

FOR SALE:  Cockapoo puppies.  They are black/chocolate/white/buff.  Parents are on-site.  Going for between $250-$400.  249-6930

FOR SALE: Fish aquarium…20 gallons.  Comes with filter, temp guage, cleaning fish, etc.  Also looking to rent a one car garage near Lynn and Maple.  243-4308.


Trading Post

October 14th, 2011 by Jim Field

FOR SALE: Couch with a hide a bed. 85.00, call 712-579-5238.

TO GIVE AWAY: Free puppies to good home.  11 Free 6 week old puppies Australian/lab mixed.  Call 712-773-2181.

FOR SALE: 4 tickets to the Iowa – Northwestern football game 10/15 from season ticket holders. Section 4, row 12. $117 each. 712-579-2398

FOR SALE: Oak entertainment center $40. 243-4268

FOR SALE: a ceremic kiln, ceremic molds, paints, glazes, & ceremics.  Please call 712-254-0838 if interested.  Currently giving up a hobby and am selling all the supplies.

FOR SALE: Purebred Boxer Puppies, Born 08/23/2011 Dew Claws, tails docked, wormed, and 1st shots Available
starting 10/21/2011 Brindle and Fawn colored 4 males 3 females.  Price: $300.00.  Call Shelly Schlake at 712-249-6230.