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Daily Diary

 If you have items that you would like listed on the “Daily Diary”, please e-mail them to us at kjandesk@metc.net.

The service is free for any NON-PROFIT group or organization.

Listen to the “Daily Diary” Monday-Saturday at 9:30 am on KJAN!

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Atlantic Business and Professional Women have four $1000.00 scholarships available for 2025. Applications are due by April 1, 2025. For an application or more information about these scholarships, contact Julie Brown by call or text 712-789-9114 or email at juliebrown@netins.net. The Iowa Business and Professional Women’s Foundation also has four additional $1000 scholarships available at www.bpw-iowa.org

Anita Sunset Club meets the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 11:30am at the Anita Congregational Church.  Enjoy lunch, special guests and programs and card games. Call 712-249-4996 for more information.

FREE: Furniture and other items.  Open on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 107 Cedar Street in Atlantic. If you need something, take it at no charge. If you have items that are in good shape and clean, donate them!




Atlantic Food Pantry: 704 W. 7th St. Hours: Thurs., 12:30 – 3 pm (or until all food sacks are distributed) Drive-through pantry (For safety reasons, there will be no access to the Pantry from 7th Street (Highway 6) during Thursday afternoon food distributions. Pantry Client vehicles will approach the Pantry from the East on 6th Street, turning South on Palm Street, then West on the access road directly in front of the Pantry to receive food. Cars will then exit north on the alley next to the Pantry. Traffic markers will guide the cars before and during food distribution.) Food Referrals are not needed. There is a pick-up limit of 3 households per vehicle. Pantry phone: (712) 243-5019 from 9-11 AM Mon. and Thurs. only

Anita Food Pantry: 208 Chestnut St. Drive-through pantry. Phone: (712) 250-0410 Hours: 1st & 3rd Saturdays, 8-10 am

Cumberland Care & Share Pantry: Methodist Church, 317 Monroe St.  Phone: (712) 774-5818 Hours: 1st & 3rd Wed., 4:30pm- 5:30pm

Lord’s Cupboard of Griswold: Methodist Church, 100 Cass St. Phone: (712) 778-4178 Hours: 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 11am – 2pm

Adair-Casey Food Pantries are available to those living in the Adair-Casey School District on the second Thursday 6-8pm and the fourth Saturday 9-11am each month.
Locations – Adair United Methodist Church – in alley on north side of church, and
Casey United Methodist Church.



VIP Connections takes place on Tuesday mornings from 10am-noon at the Atlantic Public Library. Michelle will lead a dance and movement class called Drumtastics. Call 712-243-5466 for more information.


Elk Horn Public Library’s Lincoln Dinner takes place on Wednesday, February 19 at 6pm at the Kimballton Townhall.  Learn more about President Lincoln and his favorite foods for $15.  Contact the library at 712-764-2013 to reserve your space.


Elk Horn Public Library’s Book And Memoire Writing takes place on Thursday, February 20 at 6:30pm. Always thought about writing a book, or maybe want to even write your memoire?  Join on February 20th at 6:30 pm to start the process! Get help starting the process with the experienced help of Anna Redsand, a published author, herself.  There is no charge, but please sign up by February 17th so we have your supplies ready. Call 712-764-2013 for more information.


Wibit Day takes place on Friday, February 21 from 2-4pm at the Nishna Valley Family YMCA in Atlantic. Have fun on the Wibit aquatic obstacle course! Call the YMCA at 712-243-3934 for more details.

PG Movie Afternoon takes place at 3pm at the Atlantic Public Library. Bring pillows and blankets and enjoy a PG rated movie. For kids 6-11 years. Call 712-243-5466

The Rose Theater in Audubon will be showing “Sept. 5” (R) on Friday, February 21 and Saturday, February 22 at 7pm. Doors open at 6:30. Sunday matinee is at 2:00. Doors open at 1:30. All seats are $4 cash and concessions are available for cash only.


Audubon Lions Club 34th Annual Farm Toy Show will take place on Saturday, February 22from 9am-2:30pm in the Agri-Hall at the Audubon County Fairgrounds. Admission is $3 for those 9 years and up. Kids 8 and younger are free. There will be door prizes and lunch will be available. Get more information by calling 712-304-5235 or email ddeist@audstate.com

2025 Agricultural Legislative Forum takes place on Saturday, February 22 from 9-10am at the Griswold Library, 505 Main in Griswold. Senator Tom Shipley and Represenative Tom Moore will be in attendance for this agriculture focused discussion. For more information contact Cass County Farm Bureau at 712-210-6431. Sponsored by Cass County Farm Bureau and Cass County Corn Growers.

Memoir Writing Workshop takes place on Saturday, February 22 beginning at 11am at the Atlantic Public Library. The Atlantic Public Library is excited to host a memoir writing workshop led by experienced nonfiction writers, attendees will learn how to craft memoirs and begin writing life stories. It will be a three hour workshop and include a light lunch. The program is free and open to the public. Registration is encouraged as participation will be limited. Call the library at 243-5466 or click on the event on the online calendar to register.

February Book Club takes place on Saturday, February 22 at 3pm at the Stanton Public Library. “Remarkably Bright Creatures” by Shelby Van Pelt is the chosen book for this month. The story is an exploration of friendship, reckoning and hope, tracing a widow’s unlikely connection with a giant Pacific octopus. Everyone is welcome. Call the library for more information at 712-829-2290


Persia Fire & Rescue Annual Breakfast Buffet will be held on Sunday, February 23 at the Persia Fire Hall from 7:30-11am. Enjoy a wide selection of breakfast items. Carry out if available. Adults are $10, Kids 3-12 yrs are $5 and under 2 are free. Sponsored by Persia Fire & Rescue. Proceeds will help with equipment needs.

Animal Signs Hike at Prairie Rose State Park takes place on Sunday, February 23 at 1:30 p.m.  Meet at the beach parking lot and hike one of the trails along the lake to find signs of animals.   Please dress for the weather.  The hike will be an easy one.

Immanuel Lutheran Church in Harlan is holding a Hymn Festival on Sunday, February 23 beginning at 2pm at 1700 19th Street in Harlan. Sing top hymns from a local survey, featuring the rebuilt Temple Pipe Organ. The survey can be found at harlanimmanuel.org. This free event is open to the public. Refreshments and fellowship will follow.


Tech Tune-Up takes place on Tuesday, February 25 at the FMTC Tech Center, 315 Broad Ave in Stanton from 4-7pm. A Community Broadband Action Network Digital Navigator will be on site with a limited supply of free computers for those in need and to help with questions. This is a FREE event. In case of inclement weather, the event will be held on March 4.

The Atlantic Lions Club will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 25 at 6:30 p.m. at Farmers Walnut Street Diner in Atlantic. Kate Olsen, County Director for Cass County Extension, will be guest speaker.  Guests are welcome to attend.


Atlantic Comprehensive Plan Public Meetings will be held from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm and from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm at City Hall in Atlantic.  Residents are invited to help gather public input to be used to shape future planning and development in the city.  Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.

Atlantic Mobile Food Pantry will take place on Wednesday, February 12 from 4-6pm at the Cass County Fairgrounds.

Massena Mobile Food Pantry will take place on Wednesday, February 12 from 4:30-5pm  in the Massena City Park.

A mobile pantry is a traveling food pantry that delivers food directly to families in need for a one-day distribution. People from surrounding towns and communities are welcome. Mobile food pantries are available free of charge. Anyone in need is welcome, and no documentation is required. Each car can take food for up to two households at a time. For any additional information or questions, please contact Grace McAfee, Community Wellness Coordinator, at (712) 250-8170 or by email at mcage@casshealth.org.


The Rose Theater in Audubon will be showing “Dogman” (PG) on Friday, February 28 and Saturday, March 1 at 7pm. Doors open at 6:30. Sunday matinee is at 2:00. Doors open at 1:30. All seats are $4 cash and concessions are available for cash only.


Moped Safety Class takes place on Saturday, March 1 from 8am-2pm at the Atlantic Fire Station. Bring a sack lunch and drink. Cost is $50 cash. Get more information at 712-243-6343

2025 Agricultural Legislative Forum will take place on Saturday, March 1 beginning at 10am at Impact Hill, 501 Oakland Ave in Oakland. Senator Mark Costello, Representatives David Sieck and Craig Williams will be  in attendance for this agriculture focused discussion.  Use the southeast entrance. Open to the public. No cost to attend. Call the East Pottawattamie County Farm Bureau at 712-210-6431


Heart and Hands for Haiti Soup Supper takes place on Sunday, March 2 from 4:30-7pm at St. John’s United Church Of Christ, 1 mile south of Lyman. Serving chili, hamburger vegetable, chicken & rice and ham & bean soups along with sandwiches, desserts and drinks for a freewill offering. All proceeds go toward the cost of shipping diapers, dresses and other needed items.


Southwest Iowa Soil Health Winter Conference takes place on Wednesday, March 5 at the Cass County Community Center, located at 805 West 10th Street in Atlantic, from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm. Cass County Extension is partnering with the SWISH (Southwest Iowa Soil Health) group to host an educational event focused on soil health for area farmers and ag professionals. This conference will focus on management practices to build farm resilience and will feature soil health experts and farmers from across Iowa sharing their boots-in-the field experience on making conservation practices work on their farms. A meal will be served over the lunch hour. This event is free to attend and open to the public; pre-registration is required by February 26 for meal and materials.  Registration can be done by phone or email to ruth.blomquist@usda.gov or 319-541-2969. Registration is also available online using the attached QR code or via the link on the Cass County Extension website at www.extension.iastate.edu/cass.


Cass County Master Gardeners’ 2025 Spring Garden Seminar will take place on Saturday, March 8 beginning with registration and light refreshments at 8:30 AM. This year’s seminar focuses on the “Flowers, Bees, Butterflies and Trees” and is open to anyone interested in learning more about local garden topics. The daylong event will be held at the Cass County Community Center in Atlantic, and feature four keynote speakers. In addition to the presentations, a variety of local vendors will be on hand with garden related crafts and décor, as well as local resources and information for gardeners of all skill levels and interests. Cost for the seminar sessions, including food, sessions and materials is $50 for the day if paid by February 15th. After this date regular registration and walk-in registration will be available at $55/attendee. Registration is now open and can be completed online by visiting the online registration page at https://go.iastate.edu/8PQJHF. Online registrations may be paid by credit card or check. Registrations are not refundable but may be transferred to another attendee with advance notice.


Corning Center For the Fine Arts presents “Paint A Tile With Alcohol Ink with Brenda Scott on Saturday, March 22 from 10-noon at 706 Davis Street in Corning. Use straws to blow beautiful designs onto a tile with colored ink and alcohol. Cost is $50 which includes materials. Sign up at www.corningfinearts.org or call 641-322-4549


Hunter Safety Education Online Field Day takes place on Saturday, March 29 from 8am-noon at Nishna Bnd Recreation Area (approximately 1 1/2 miles SE of Harlan Municipal Airport). Anyone born after January 1, 1972 must complete a Hunter Safety Education Course in order to obtain an Iowa hunting license. Must be 12 years and older to take this class. Register online for this field day at https://license.gooutdoorsiowa.com/Event/ViewEvent.aspx?id=3366. Complete the class BEFORE attending this field day! Get started at iowadnr.gov/huntered to sign up. You MUST bring your online completion voucher to be admitted to the field day event. For questions call 712-744-3403.


Stanton Marketplace On Main Show takes place on Saturday, April 5 from 10am-2pm at the Old Lumber Yard Event Center in Stanton. Local crafts, vendors and more! Admission is $1. To register as a vendor or for more information visit www.statonoly.com or call 712-829-7350




The compost near the Schildberg Recreation Area is open seven days per week from 7:30-a.m. until dusk. The site is monitored by camera to catch illegal dumping. If the gate happens to be locked during those times, please call 243-3512 and tell them that the gate to the yard waste site is locked and a police officer will be out shortly to unlock the gate. The brush pile is offered to citizen within the city limits only.

*** City of Atlantic officials remind citizens to bring ONLY trees, branches, grass, garden waste, and/or leaves. ***




Atlantic Elks Bingo is every Thursday at the Atlantic Elks Lodge, 411 Walnut St in Atlantic. Doors open 5:45 pm bingo starts at 6:30 pm.

Anita American Legion Bingo is every Saturday night at the Anita American Legion Hall (740 Main St. Anita). Doors open at 4:30pm. Bingo begins at 6:30 pm. Payout amounts depend on attendance. Progressive Jackpot. Food is available. No outside food or beverages allowed.

Coon Rapids American Legion Bingo is every Tuesday. Doors open at 5:30, bingo starts at 6:30 pm. Prizes, jackpot $599 weekly. Games range from $20-$40.

Irwin Bingo is every Thursday at the Irwin Community Building (404 Front St) beginning at 7pm. Food will be served beginning at 5:30pm and Early Bird Bingo starts at 6:30pm with a progressive jackpot.

Join the Firehouse Flames for bingo every first Monday at the Memorial Building in Audubon. Doors open at 5:30 pm with a light lunch available, early bird bingo at 6:30 and regular bingo at 6:45 pm.

Shenandoah Eagles Bingo will be held on Sunday, December 12th from 2:30-5:00 pm at Shenandoah FOE Club Located at 709 West Thomas St Shenandoah, IA 51601. Shenandoah FOE Auxiliary #3849 has restarted their Sunday Bingo. Currently Bingo will be held bi-weekly starting November 14th, 2021. Holiday weekends are TBD. Early Bird starts at 2:30pm. Bingo starts at 3:00 pm. CASH PRIZES! Family Friendly event. Check the event page on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/eagles3849/


2nd Hand Rose is open Monday’s 1:30-3:00 and Friday’s 9:30-11:00 at the Heritage House in Atlantic.

The 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month the community is invited to play cards or dominoes at Heritage House. They are welcomed to come as a group or by themselves. Playing starts at 1 pm

Grief Share meets Wednesdays from 6-7:30pm in the Heritage Hall at the Heritage House in Atlantic. No charge, donations for Grief Share are welcomed. Call Heidi 712-243-5492. This is sponsored by the Roland Funeral Home in conjunction with Grace Point Church.

NAMI Support Group meets the 1st and 3rd Thursdays each month at 2pm and the 2nd and 4th Thursday at 6:30pm at the United Church Of Christ in Atlantic.

H.E.A.L… Hope. Empathy. Acceptance. Love…meets the second Wednesday each month at 10am at the Exira Public Library in the meeting room. Their mission is to connect those living with incurable, chronic medical conditions with community that supports, educates and empowers them to improve their quality of life.  Call 712-304-5779 with questions and for more information. follow them at www.facebook.com/groups/healiowa/

American Legion Memorial Building, also known as the Armory, will be open for tours Saturday afternoons through October and by request through Atlantic Chamber of Commerce. See the web site at Arise Atlantic for more details.

Cass County Historical Museum in Griswold is now open Wednesdays-Sundays from 1-4

Audubon County Historical Society Meetings are held the second Tuesday of every month at 10 am (alternating meetings in Audubon and Exira). This is open to the public, the Historical Society is looking for volunteers!

Hitchcock House – During the season, the Hitchcock House is open for tours beginning at 1 p.m. on Thursdays through Sundays May 1st through September 4th. The same fee schedule listed above applies. The last tour each day begins at 4:15 p.m. Tours at other times and groups of 10 or more are encouraged to schedule a tour time by calling 712.769.2323.

Public Health HCCMS Family Services is located at 1408 E 10th St. Call 712-755-4422 or visit www.shelbycountyclinics.com. Clinic will also be held in Irwin, Earling, Westphalia, Shelby, Avoca, Defiance, Panama, Portsmouth and Elk Horn. Appointments are not needed for these clinics.

HCCMS Family Planning is a program available for men and women of all ages, offering reproductive and other health services to help you get and stay healthy. They serve anyone requesting family planning services regardless of residency, household income or gender. In Cass County, your HCCMS office is located at Cass County Home Care, 1500 E 10th St., Atlantic, IA. For more information or to make an appointment call 712-243-7551 or 1-800-993-4345.

The Atlantic Lions Club takes used eye glasses and hearing aids. You can drop them off at these Atlantic locations: Hy-Vee, W & S Appliance, Fareway, or any Lions Club member.

WIC CLINIC- Call for information at 1-800-338-4129