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KJAN Trading Post

Listen each weekday at 10:15 am and 2:15 pm for “TRADING POST” on AM 1220/FM 101.1, KJAN!

Trading Post rules: limit 3 items per call (any combination of buy, sell, trade, rent or giveaway), we will not accept items that are being sold as part of a regular business venture. Please let us know if you have sold your item or found what you were looking for so we can mark it appropriately.

Do you have an item for the Trading Post?
E-mail it to us!


Trading Post

November 23rd, 2011 by Jim Field

FOR SALE: Live Evergreen trees for Christmas call  712 -249-1891.

FOR SALE: P. Buckley Moss prints, framed and unframed.  Phone    712-243-3129.

WANTED: Unwanted wringer washers, working or not, he repairs them and uses them for grease rags.  778-5131.


Trading Post

November 22nd, 2011 by Jim Field

FOR SALE: Loader with blade off of a Oliver 770 no hydraulics or hoses. Older 5′ John Deere bush hog,pin hitch with PTO,not a 3-point.712-304-2819 after 5:00 pm.

FOR SALE: 2001 pontiac grand prix 4 door power window and lock small crack in windsheild salvaged title few years back runs great black in color make an offer 515-612-5588  or 515-612-5589 Massena.

FOR SALE: Leaf catcher that mounts on the back of a mower…has a self dumping mechanism, fits up to the size of a garbage can full of leaves, its very light and has no wheels.  304-2587.

WANTED: A set of 4 chrome rims that are 15″ with or without tires.  Must be 5 bolt pattern with 4 inches between hole 1 and 3.  They can come with the tires if they are 215-225.  Or without they can be 215 or 225.  Also looking for a skid loader trailer with 2, 5000 pound axels.  304-2587 out of Exira.  

 WANTED: Combo storm windows or wood frame storm windows.  Length must 54 inches width can be any size.  304-4838.


Trading Post

November 21st, 2011 by Jim Field

FOR SALE: A prom/winter formal dress. $15 was a size 9/10 but it was altered to a 4/5. Black with jewels in front strapless dress. e-mail address is paytondiane17@gmail.com.

WANTED FOR FREE: Bagged leave to use around edge of my house for winter….Please call Jenny @ 712-254-3276..Thanks!

FOR SALE: Nackamichi 2 head cassette deck that you plug in to an AM/FM receiver that can be used at home…has a built in equalizer.  $20.  Also for sale is metal tool box thats 1 foot by 506 inches its #10 and in good shape.  778-5131.

FOR SALE: Set of four rims/tires from a ’94 Chevy.  6 bolt aluminum 245 70 16’s.  Two are about half there, the other two are in fair condition.  $200 for the whole set.  304-4262.

FOR SALE: Two cockapoo puppies…one black and one buff colored.  $300 each.  249-6930.

WANTED:  Mobile home doors that are 32 x 78.  243-2890.

FOR SALE: Arens self propelled snow blower.  Its 27″ and starts and runs great.  Has an adjustable hood.  249-1453

WANTED: Willing to cut down trees if you cannot afford a tree service.  The work would be done to help people out, as he would not use the wood for personal use.  He would not be able to do anything more than 2 feet across…also could only cut down trees in more open areas.  Also has firewood for sale…freshly cut red elm.  778-4672.


Trading Post

November 18th, 2011 by Jim Field

FOR SALE: 2 males & 4 females, pure bred non-papered boxer puppies. They were born on September 19, 2011. Tails have been docked and dew claws are done too. Six weeks shots are done. $150.00 for males and $200.00 for females, if interested please contact Andrea  at 712-579-6959 or Troy 712-579-6858.

FOR SALE: Pair of mens size 11 1/2 camo & insulated hunting boots (Trade name) Rocky Bearclaw w/ 800 grams insulation, excellent condition $50; Compound hunging bow w/ accessories, call for details $75. 712-249-8750

FOR RENT: Farm house for rent, 4 miles west of Atlantic, 4 or 5 bedrooms. 249-6108

WANTED: riding mowers to repair. 778-5131

FOR SALE: Frigidaire chest freezer, 41″ L x 22″ W x 34″ H, white, 2 baskets. $400. 243-6772


Trading Post

November 17th, 2011 by Jim Field

FOR SALE: Troybilt Snowblower 7.5 hp  24 inch  Electric Start  Excellent condition.  $425.00.  Can email busymom72@live.com or Call or text Brandi at 712-249-1470.

FOR SALE: Pro-Form 500i treadmill, $150, excellent condition, call 549-2236.

WANTED: Willing to cut down trees if you cannot afford a tree service.  The work would be done to help people out, as he would not use the wood for personal use.  He would not be able to do anything more than 2 feet across…also could only cut down trees in more open areas.  Also has firewood for sale…freshly cut red elm – burns hot and some oak available for $75 per load.  778-4672.

FREE: About 125 trophies from car shows that he’s won over the years.  Range from 1 to 4 feet high…would like to donate them to a group/organization.  Call Bill in Avoca from 8-4 at 343-6336.

FOR SALE: Solid oak dining table and 6 chairs.  42″ x 60″ plus 2 self-storing leaves.  Excellent condition and very sturdy.  Priced at $550.  Call 712-249-3051.


Trading Post

November 16th, 2011 by admin

FOR SALE:Artley Clarinet in case .includes music, music stand & flip folder, $375.00. Call 712-249-4479.

FOR SALE: Nice TV entertainment center 56″ wide by 55″ high.  Color is off white.  Has Glass side door and door on bottom. Asking $60.00.  712-249-6834.

FOR SALE: Brown combination storm door, 36×81, upper glass and bottom screen $25; 7 ft. artificial Christmas tree, nicely shaped, branches are removable $50. 641-746-2583 (Casey)

FOR SALE:  2 brand new tires…205 70 R15’s.  $80.  249-0135.

FOR SALE:  Old computer desk with cubicle type set up…$45.  Mongoose 21 speed boys bike thats light weight, aluminum, and silver in color…$65.  Old Disney VCR tapes for $3 a piece.  249-0287 or 243-3468.


Trading Post

November 15th, 2011 by Jim Field

FOR SALE: Wringer Washer in excellent condition asking $100.00. Exira area, 712-268-7260.

FOR SALE: Wooden swing set.  Includes a club house, climbing wall, monkey bar,  and 3 swings.  Excellent condition.  $250 o.b.o.  712-254-3297.

WANTED: looking for a full size bed frame/mattress, in good condition.  I don’t need to buy them together, so if you have one or the other you can contact me during the day at 712-243-8090 or during the evening at 712-326-9688.  Ask for Kelly.  Thank You!

FOR SALE: Selling a John Deere lawn mower tractor, call or text 515-612-5589.

FOR SALE: A cutting and welding tank…its Harris Calorific.  Also have 2 fall staff beer mugs from the brewery.  343-2338 in Avoca. 

FOR SALE: A movie proejctor in the case that is old but in good shape…$35.  Older type writer that almost looks like an old adding machine for a cash register…$10.  Rainbow vaccume but main motor part went bad but has news hose and shapooer etc.  $200.  712-304-4262 out of Audubon.

FOR SALE: Tough box tool box for the back of a pick up truck with one lid on each side that opens up…for a full sized pick up looking for $15.  778-5131 out of Griswold

FOR SALE: Claw foot tub…$50.  243-3203.

FOR SALE: White storm door thats 32″ x 80″….also for sale a fish aquarium thats 20 gallons with lots of extras like rocks, a filter, a temp gauge, and a hood.  Looking for best offer.  243-4308.


Trading Post

November 14th, 2011 by Jim Field

FOR SALE: 10 year old Paint mare (not registered).  She is approx. 15 hands and has been used to trail ride.  She stands well for the farrier and is sound.  She is current on vaccinations and worming. call 773-3082 after 5 p.m.

FOR SALE: China Cabinet with glass doors and shelves. approx 76″ H, 54″ W, 14″ D. $200.  712-563-2539.

FOR SALE: DRESSER with mirror & 6-drawers. Mirror approx. 30″ H, 42″ W. Dresser approx. 31 H, 57 W, 21 D.  $75.  712-563-2539.

FOR SALE: Early 70’s John Deere Lawn Mower with hytrastat lift needs restoring.  Running condition when parked.  Call 712-254-3299.

FOR SALE: I am selling a John Deere 345 lawn tractor v twin liquid cool asking $225 or best offer,515-612-5589.

FOR SALE: Wedges for splitting logs, 2 dollars a piece, about 6 all together.  712-778-5131 out of Griswold.

FOR SALE: Old Jeep that runs and drives good in good shape.  $1,000 or a trade for a newer jeep.  Also for sale a 110 riding mower with a 42″ deck/snowblower with chains.  Might need a tune up $700.  712-304-4568 out of Audubon.

FOR SALE: Serving cart, with 3 shelves and wheels and a place to hang the towel on the end.  $50.  243-3681.

WANTED: Wringer washer as he does collect them.  712-778-5131.

WANTED: Standing closets that are portable and wood.  243-3681.

WANTED: Outside door for a garage for the winter.  243-2538.


Trading Post

November 11th, 2011 by Jim Field

FOR SALE: Gretsch Twin Reverb Amplifier, (Model # 6162) 1.0 amps, 117 volts, 60 c.y., vaccuum tube set, $115.  Call Sherry @ 712-779-0093.

FOR SALE: Grundorf CRATE Amplifier (K 40 XL) on wheels with cover.  2 inputs, Master Volume, Equalization, Reverb insert, line out, head phones, $150.  Call Sherry @ 712-779-0093.

FOR SALE: “Make-An-Offer” Garage Sale ~ Men & Women Clothes, Furniture, Antiques, numerous misc. items Saturday, Nov. 12  from  9am-5pm ~ Location:  70786 Oxford Rd., Cumberland, IA.  Call Sherry @ 712-779-0093 with questions.

FOR SALE: 4hp., 20″, 2 stage, electric start, Sears snowblower $150.00 Call 243-4350 and leave a message.

FREE: 27 ” TV.  8 years old. Cable ready but not HD.  Call 712-764-5320.

YARD SALE: 11/11 at 4 pm & 11/12  from 8-3 pm. 1313 Chestnut St., Atlantic

FOR SALE: 2 end talbes, $10 each; 4 seat paddle boat $200 obo. 712-304-4452

FOR SALE: Yesterday’s child dolls – boys and girls….also original bears dolls available.  268-26909.

FOR SALE: 4 Portable TV’s that are 13-19″…going for $10-$20.  249-0233.

WANTED: Hunting equipment like bows, etc. (but not firearms).  249-0233.

WANTED: Willing to cut down trees if you cannot afford a tree service.  The work would be done to help people out, as he would not use the wood for personal use.  He would not be able to do anything more than 2 feet across…also could only cut down trees in more open areas.  Also has 3/4 quarters load of firewood for sale.  778-4672.

FOR SALE: Dr. Marten shoes, brown leather/tie-on, air cushion soles. (still in box). Ladies USA size 7 or youth USA size 5 for $25. Also, Columbia Sportswear jacket, ladies medium. $20. Both are in excellent condtion & worn only 3-4 times. More information, call 243-3052.


Trading Post

November 10th, 2011 by admin

FOR SALE: Moving, must sell.  42″ HD tv.  LG brand.  Only 3 months old.  $300 firm.  Call Rick at 249-5872 or 605-951-6907(work cell).

FOR RENT: 1 bedroom house, newly remodeled, must sign 6 month or 1 year lease, no smoking, off street parking $275 per month, $350 deposit. 712-249-6223.

FOR SALE: Brand new chest type freezer – Fridge Adair.  Its 8.8 cube and has two baskets.  $300.  243-6772.

WANTED: Rocker/recliner…would like it to be brown or light brown.  402-516-4746.