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ACSD Facilities Director updates School Board in an annual report


January 11th, 2024 by Ric Hanson

(Atlantic, Iowa) – Atlantic School District Facilities Director Russell Peck, Wednesday, provided an annual report to the School Board on Operations and Maintenance of those facilities.

The rooms to be carpeted were also painted prior to the installation of carpet, and a preschool room which needed painting. He also spoke about HVAC projects.

He said they had some Capital Project Plans, which included a maintenance truck.

He said they also got another snowblower, sweeper and blower in a good deal.

Peck said they’re going to have to address removing the District’s 15 or so Ash Trees, which are susceptible to the Emerald Ash Borer, and a potential liability. A majority of the trees are around the Middle School. They’ll save money, he said, if they purchase a dump trailer (new or used) to load the trees. The only alternative would be to hire someone for the project.