United Group Insurance

Nunn Leads Letter Urging for Year-Round E15 Sales


December 22nd, 2023 by Ric Hanson

Des Moines, Iowa — U.S. Representative Zach Nunn (IA-03) today led the Iowa Members of the U.S. House of Representatives in a letter urging President Joe Biden to allow for the expanded, year-round sale of E15.

“Iowa leads the nation in the production of biofuels thanks to our hardworking farmers and biofuel producers,” said the representatives in the letter. “Any delays in securing permanent, year-round E15 sales punishes Americans and farmers who have already faced record inflation, fuel prices, and market uncertainty as a result of your Administration’s economic policies.”

Nearly every other row of corn grown in Iowa is used to create biofuels. Each day, Iowa farmers provide access to homegrown fuel across the nation and the world. The biofuels industry supports countless jobs, reduces prices at the pump, and provides billions of dollars in exports.

Text of the letter can be found here.