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U-of-I student group faces backlash over controversial speaker on campus


October 13th, 2023 by Ric Hanson

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (KCRG) – The conservative student group at the University of Iowa called “Young Americans for Freedom”, or YAF, says it’s facing backlash for hosting a controversial speaker on campus next Monday. According to KCRG-TV, the group is no stranger to hosting controversial speakers, including Chloe Cole, who transitioned to a male before de-transitioning back to being female. Since announcing Cole’s visit, YAF claims that almost all of their promotional material has been destroyed.

According to the University’s policies on free speech, all student groups have a right to invite speakers to campus, as well as hang flyers and chalk campus sidewalks. It is prohibited for other students to vandalize or remove those messages. And YAF’s experience aligns with a recent Associated Press and University of Chicago study, that found 47% of adults believe liberals have “a lot” of freedom to express their views, whereas only 20% say the same for conservatives.

But University Democrats argue that’s due to the nature of college campuses. Both groups believe that free speech is important, but University Democrats argue student safety and well-being should be prioritized.

Despite the controversy, YAF still plans to host Cole on Monday, though they said they wouldn’t be surprised if the event draws protests, similar to when activist and Conservative commentator Matt Walsh visited campus back in April.