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Why is my oak tree going nuts with acorns this year?


September 8th, 2023 by Jim Field

Iowa is known as the king of corn but lately, there also appears to be a bumper crop of acorns. Anyone who’s taken a walk near oak trees has crunched across many hundreds of the dime-sized seeds with the cute caps. Mike Reinikainen (rain-ee-KY-nen) is a silviculturist (SILL-vah-culturalist), or an expert forester, and he says that abundance of acorns is called “oak masting” and it’s a cycle of nature.

Iowa’s been weathering a drought for several years and we’ve seen a slew of hundred-degree records set in recent weeks. Reinikainen says that’s all playing a role in the oak masting as fall approaches.

Iowa homeowners with oaks on their property don’t need to be concerned. Reinikainen says there is -no- evidence to suggest acorns damage your lawn by changing the p-H balance of the soil, but most people rake them up as a matter of comfort for bare feet or because they’re unsightly.