United Group Insurance

Cass County FFA State Fair News, 8/10/23

Ag/Outdoor, News

August 10th, 2023 by Ric Hanson

(Des Moines, Iowa)  – Atlantic FFA Advisor/Ag Instructor Eric Miller reports even before the Iowa State Fair officially began, members of the Atlantic FFA Chapter were hard at work. On Wednesday (Aug. 9th), the Draft Horse Show kicked off with Colton Becker and his Percheron “Spring” began the day by winning Champion FFA Halter class. Next was FFA Showmanship where Becker also came out on top. Finally in the FFA Cart Class, Becker finished 1st and swept the FFA Draft Horse competition. (All photos are courtesy Eric Miller & Melissa Johnson)

When asked about his outstanding day Becker responded, “My experience at the Iowa State Fair was one to remember. Last time I competed in the FFA horse show it was during covid. During covid the state fair was completely different, this year it was nice to experience the normal. This year I competed in 3 different classes and did well in both. I am thankful for my advisor, family, and friends that all come together and help.”

In the FFA English Equitation Division, Taylor McCreedy had an outstanding day. McCreedy won Champion FFA Horse English Equitation. Taylor also placed first in English Walk/Trot and 3rd in English Pleasure. McCreedy will also compete in Western Classes and the CowGirl Queen contest as the Iowa State Fair continues this week. Becker and McCreedy will also represent Atlantic FFA in the Parade Of Champions on Saturday afternoon.

Colton Becker and “Spring”

Colton Becker and “Spring”

Poultry Group; Left to Right: Rio Johnson, Bethany Anderson, Lily Johnson, Conner Johnson, Walker Gary.

Poultry Group; Left to Right: Rio Johnson, Conner Johnson, Walker Gary, Bethany Anderson.

Taylor McCreedy

In the FFA Poultry Show, Atlantic FFA had an outstanding day winning Supreme Champion Large Chapter Herdsmanship and won the Supreme Champion FFA Poultry Award. FFA members Bethany Anderson, Rio Johnson, Conner Johnson, Lily Johnson and Walker Gary brought a total of 44 birds for the show today. Bethany received 3 Blues & 2 Purples, & was named Champion Modern Game Bantam & Champion Old English Game Bantam. She also received 3rd place Showmanship. After the show Anderson said “The other exhibitors and staff were very nice and helpful. The show was lots of fun and was a great experience, seeing many breeds and varieties of poultry was very educational.”

Rio received 10 Blues on her Individual Breeding Class poultry entries, with 1 of her birds placing first in its class. Johnson also said, “Not only did I get to help and teach others about my poultry, but I also got to learn from other exhibitors too. It was really cool seeing how much hard work everyone puts in for the poultry project.” Conner received 7 Blues & 2 Reds on his Individual Breeding Class poultry entries, with 2 of his birds placing 1st in their class. Lily received 8 Blues & 2 Reds on her Individual Breeding Class poultry entries, with 1 of her birds placing 1st in its class. Walker received 6 Blues & 2 Reds on his Individual Breeding Class poultry entries, with 1 one of his birds placing 1st in their class.

Atlantic FFA would like to give a special shout out to Melissa Johnson for all of her help! Atlantic FFA Advisor Eric Miller said, “it was an outstanding way to start the Iowa State Fair.” Later this week Atlantic FFA members will have 3 individuals with Breeding Cattle, 2 FFA Pigs, 1 individual showing Rabbits, 4 members showing photography and FFA Farm Crops. To finish out the fair 2 individuals will also show FFA Dairy Goats.