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Spring Shred Day set for April 8th in Atlantic


April 7th, 2023 by Ric Hanson

(Atlantic, Iowa) – If you have documents you no longer need and are not comfortable with throwing in the trash, bring them to the Spring Shred Day and Scouting for Food Drive this Saturday, April 8th, in Atlantic. Ken Moorman, with Friends of the Atlantic Public Library, says the two-in-one event will make it easy for you to get rid of old papers, and it serves a good cause. Shred Day is an annual event.

Moorman says Boy Scout Troop #54 will coordinate traffic control and take your boxes, bags or bundles of paper. No Commercial paper, please.

Once they take your paper, you’ll move your vehicle forward and have an opportunity to make a donation to the Scouting For Food Drive, with your cash or non-perishable items be delivered to the Atlantic Food Pantry.

Non-perishable food donations include…

The Shred Day and Food Drive takes place Saturday, April8th, from 9-to 11-a.m., outside the Atlantic Public Library.