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Grants support tree planting in 51 communities  

Ag/Outdoor, News

April 28th, 2023 by Ric Hanson

CEDAR RAPIDS, IA (April 28, 2023) – Villisca, Greenfield and Creston are set to benefit from Alliant Energy’s tree planting program. They are among 51 Iowa communities (see full list below) that will receive funds from a program developed in partnership with Trees Forever. Grants are designated for communities to plant a diverse mix of trees to aid energy efficiency as well as replace trees destroyed by the emerald ash borer.

The grants, which total $165,370, will help communities plant trees in public places like local parks, schools, libraries, community buildings and streets. Trees provide more shade and cool the air, helping lower overall energy costs. A diverse tree population also helps build resiliency against tree diseases to create a healthier ecosystem.

In Creston, The Creston Chapter of the FFA was awarded a $4,640 grant for shade tree planting downtown, on the campus of Southwestern Community College, and Union County Fairgrounds. Greenfield Chamber/Main Street & Development  received a grant for $3,000 to plant trees in Public Right-Of-Ways (ROW), and the Villisca Lions Club received a grant for $1,000, for Community tree planting in the ROW throughout the town, with the help from the Lions Club, Community Betterment group, and students.

“Our commitment to improving the environment and supporting the communities we serve is unwavering,” said Julie Bauer, Executive Director of the Alliant Energy Foundation. “The grants awarded will not only help communities achieve tree restoration goals and improve energy efficiency, but they will provide benefits for generations to come.”

In addition to the funds, communities also receive educational and tree-planning support from Trees Forever. A tree expert helps communities select the best species for their area and create a care and maintenance plan to make sure the new trees have long and healthy lives.

“This is a remarkable partnership that fulfills so many of the core tenets of both Trees Forever and Alliant Energy,” says Kiley Miller, President and CEO of Trees Forever. “Trees Forever specializes in empowering people and communities to become involved in the work of conservation. These projects are community-led and accomplished with local volunteers. With some expert guidance, individuals are making a positive difference in their home towns with a greener, more energy efficient future.”

The Community Tree Planting Program is part of Alliant Energy’s One Million Trees initiative, which aims to plant one million trees by the end of 2030. In collaboration with organizations focusing on public forest restoration and preservation, urban forestry, and non-profit partners, the initiative is dedicated to tree-planting efforts in communities and rural areas across Iowa and Wisconsin.

Trees Forever administrates and facilitates tree planting programs. Alliant Energy has been working with Trees Forever since 1990, and together they have planted over 1.1 million trees and provided $7.9 million in grants.
Several communities have planted or are planting trees this spring; others will plant in the fall. To learn more about the program, visit alliantenergy.com/onemilliontrees.