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DNR to hold informational meetings

Ag/Outdoor, News

February 17th, 2023 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa)- The Iowa D-N-R will start a series of series of town hall-style meetings Monday where local staff provide updates on the recently completed hunting seasons and possible changes to hunting rules and regulations.
Wildlife Biologist, Todd Gosselink, they hope for some good interaction.

Gosselink says there are often questions that come up and this is a chance to provide some answers.

Gosselink says he hasn’t heard of any major concerns with the most recent hunting seasons.

The first meetings are Monday at the DeWitt Community Library at 7 p-m and at the Waverly Public Library at 6 p-m.
Here is the schedule for the rest of the meetings:

  • February 21st: Bloomfield, 6 p-m, Wapello County Conservation Board Pioneer Ridge Nature Center; Creston, Southern Prairie YMCA 6 p-m; Des Moines Izaak Walton League, 6:45 p-m; Lakeview Speaker Park Shelter House; Perry Forest Park Museum Building, 7 p-m; Otter Creek Lake & Park Nature Center in Toledao at 7 p-m.
  • February 22nd: in Algona,6:30 p-m. at the Waters Edge Nature Center; Okoboji, 6 p-m, Maser Monarch Lodge; Onawa,6 p-m, Lewis and Clark State Park visitor center, Ventura, 7 p-m, Iowa DNR Wildlife Office; February 23rd, Chariton, 6:30 p-m, Chariton Community Center; Council Bluffs, 6:30 p-m, Council Bluffs Fish and Game Club, Decorah, 7 p-m, Franklin W. Olin Building, Room 102, Luther College; Dubuque, 7 p-m, EB Lyons Nature Center at Mines of Spain; Iowa City, 7 p-m, Johnson County ISU Extension Office; Wapello, 6 p-m, Langwood Education Center.