United Group Insurance

3 juveniles faces charges for street sign vandalism in Crawford County


February 20th, 2023 by Ric Hanson

(Denison, Iowa) – Three area juveniles will face charges in Crawford County, following incidents of street sign vandalism. That’s according to Crawford County Sheriff Jim Steinkuhler, who did not release the names of the suspects.

Crawford County Engineer Paul Assman told our sister station KDSN that they discovered almost a dozen road signs dumped in a ditch along 210th Street north of L Avenue.  “Some sort of a Sawzall or cutting wheel and just cut the steel posts off. Really pretty senseless. Not quite sure what the motive there was to do that. We would seek damages from them and press charges, of course,” Assman said.

Image via KDSN in Denison.

He says people do mess with signs in the spring and fall especially but he’s never seen anything quite like this in 23 years on the job. “I don’t ever recall anyone going through that much effort and just throwing them back in the ditch so it really doesn’t seem to make a whole lot of sense,” Assman said.

He says the incident is under investigation and they are asking anyone who might know something about the signs to notify law enforcement.