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Sound from the last Iowa 2022 Legislative session…


May 25th, 2022 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – The 2022 Iowa legislative session ended a few hours ago. The final votes were cast in the Iowa Senate at 12:10 this (Wednesday) morning.

House Majority Leader Matt Windschitl  and Speaker Pat Grassley wrapped things up in the House six minutes later

That phrase — sine die (SIGN-eh-DYE) — is Latin. Some people pronounce it as seen-ah-DEE-yah. It basically means the legislature is adjourning without setting a date for meeting again. So, unless the governor calls lawmakers back into a SPECIAL session, the two-year run of the 89th Iowa General Assembly is over. The 90th Iowa General Assembly is scheduled to convene January 9th of 2023.