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Adair County Supervisors approve FY ’23 Budget and FY ’23 Compensation


March 16th, 2022 by Ric Hanson

(Greenfield, Iowa) – The Adair County Board of Supervisors held a Public Hearing on the FY 2023 Budget and FY ’23 Compensation Resolution. Having received no comments, written or otherwise, the Board acted on motions to approve each. The Budget was unanimously approved as published. The budget shows a levy of 5.99278 per $1,000 taxable valuation for Urban and 9.94278 per $1,000 dollars taxable valuation for Rural. The full budget is posted on the Adair County website.

Board Chair Matt Wedemeyer explained the specifics of the Compensation Resolution, as determined by the Compensation Board….

Supervisor Jodie Hoadley wanted to address a misconception about the Supervisors’ compensation…

In other business, the Adair County Supervisors approved their membership renewal with SICOG (The Southern Iowa Council of Governments). And, they held a public hearing on a classification change of a portion 305th Lane, south of Bridgewater, to a Class C road. The classification provides a means to limit access to roads that primarily serve adjacent farming operations. County Engineer Nick Kauffman mentioned during his report, an upcoming project, will require a traffic detour, affecting Casey.

And, a few adjoining counties are planning to work together on the project that’s expected to begin in FY 2023.

The plan is to apply for safety funding, which would reduce that amount by approximately $76,000. Kauffman said the remainder could be paid for through the TIF account, but nothing is set in stone at this point in time. Among the Board’s final order of business, was action on approving a contract and performance bond for a Reinforced Concrete Box (RCB) Culvert project for IN33 Eureka, and they authorized Chair Wedemeyer to sign the final voucher for the N34 Richland Road bridge project.

Kauffman then provided the Board with an update on his department’s maintenance and activities. He mentioned work is nearly complete on the N35 Summit bridge, work has resumed on the Lake Road, and ditches are being cleared north of Orient.