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Atlantic Parks & Rec discusses Sunnyside pool pass rates & lifeguard incentives


February 21st, 2022 by Ric Hanson

(Atlantic, Iowa) – The Atlantic Parks and Rec Board met Monday evening, but since there were not enough members present for a quorum, the Board was able to discuss, but not take any official action on, new business on their agenda. The board is planning to hold a special meeting later this week.

Parks and Rec Director Brant Rasmussen said an application was submitted for a Wellmark Grant to help pay for an inclusive playground and a restroom at Mollett Park (E. 3rd Street Place).

The grant can be for up to $60,000. The Parks and Rec Board discussed Sunnyside Pool Season Pass rates. Rasmussen said along with a City Council approved increase in the rate of pay for Lifeguards, there should be an increase in pass rates to help offset some of those costs. He said Assistant Parks & Rec Director Jeff Christensen contacted past members to let them know a rate increase is coming

The amount of increase has not yet been determined. Bryant said the current rate is $90 for a family season pass, and $75 for an individual season pass. The Daily rate is three-dollars.

Rasmussen said the Sunnyside Pool rates are $35-45 less than comparable pools for cities the size of Atlantic. The rates haven’t increased in at least three-years, he said.

They are looking to find ways to team-up with corporate sponsors and organizations for free pool party nights, to still allow people to use the pool.

Along with an increase in pay for the Lifeguards, the Board agreed there should be some extra incentives for them. That includes reimbursement for Lifeguard training/certification, a free food such as hot dogs and a drink for working a certain number of hours.

In other business, Bryant Rasmussen said the ice skating rink is closed for the season (for obvious reasons), and as we told you last week, the roads at Sunnyside Park have re-opened. And, the “Find my Match” activity that was held last week, netted 37 participants and proved they Parks Dept. has a good working relationship with the Atlantic Public Library.