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Power restored in Kimballton


August 26th, 2021 by Ric Hanson

A spokesman for the Kimballton Fire Department, Thursday evening, said the Power Outage issue in Kimballton has been resolved. The situation began Wednesday morning, leaving some areas of town in a “Brown Out.” According to Public Information Officer Vernon Schwarte, “With a ton of hard work and dedication, and countless hours from City of Kimballton staff, Fire Chief, volunteers, and too many to name, the power issue has been fixed.  In the process we had assistance from Audubon County Emergency Management, NIPCO, MRES, City of Atlantic Utilities, and many more.

“What the issue was in the end was a blown fuse in a transformer that could not be seen, found, and was very difficult to track down due to not acting like a normal fuse issue.” Schwarte said “Basically, pieces of the blown fuse fell into the lower parts of the cabinet and on normal visual and test means, could not be seen.  This  remedy in the end is considered awesome news for the City, as we were  fearing a main transformer issue that would have been weeks or months to get fully taken care of and back up and running.  The result, we are  good to go. ”

He added, “Thank you for your patience and understanding while the process of elimination was taking place.”