United Group Insurance

Griswold School Board approves personnel changes


June 22nd, 2021 by Ric Hanson

(Griswold) – The Griswold School Board held their regular monthly meeting, Monday evening. Superintendent Dave Henrichs said they approved several personnel changes for the upcoming school year. The approved resignations for the following:

The also approved the hiring of:

Henrichs said they are still short a Middle School/High School Social Studies Teacher and two Elementary Teachers. The struggle is real, he said to find qualified teachers.

In other business, the Griswold School Board approved activity pass fees for the upcoming school year., which Henrichs says is right in line with the Corner Conference as well as district football.

During the past couple of months, the Board has discussed taking out both the tennis and sand volleyball courts, which see limited use. They are looking into getting a grant to convert the tennis courts into Pickleball courts. The Board elected to leave the tennis court as it is, and remove the sand volleyball court and replace it with grass. There will also be a curb cut to allow for extra parking for bigger events. The tennis court will be rebid when the Board knows more about the potential of receiving a grant.

The Griswold Board received bids for two buses, but rejected them and will instead sell those buses for scrap. They also approved a Continued School Resource Officer position in agreement with the Cass County Sheriff’s Office, with the terms the same as last year. A similar agreement was approved with Family Connections, which provides social and mental on-site counseling services for students.

The Board also established a list of 2022 Legislative Priorities and chose their top four: Mental Health; Teacher Recruitment and Licensure; Ensuring the Budget Guarantee stays the same or increases, and sharing reorganization. The latter sunsets in a few years. It enables districts to receive extra funding by sharing positions.

And, the Griswold School Board changed a policy to say a teacher may resign from their position before July 1st, without any recourse. Previously, the policy said if a teacher resigns after they’ve signed their contract, the district must find a suitable replacement before they will be released from the contract. The new amendment makes the old policy unenforceable, because it essentially violates the law.