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Email scam uses Iowa GOP chair’s name


June 11th, 2021 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) – The communications director for the Republican Party of Iowa says the party is aware of a gift card scam using the party chair Jeff Kaufman’s name, and they are working on filing a report with the proper federal authorities. Woodbury County Republican Party chairman, Bob Henderson says one of the central committee members was sent the fake email request. “This person used his name (Kaufman) to ask for funding, but the funding was requested in the form of gift cards,” Henderson says. He knew immediately the request was not from the G-O-P.

“I said right away, when they ask for funding in something other than normal currency — you can pretty well bet that it’s a scam,” Henderson says. “And especially if it happens to be the name of somebody that is known by you, more than somebody nationally.” Henderson says anyone who gets this type of email should immediately contact their local G-O-P chairman, or any member of the executive committee to confirm it.