United Group Insurance

Atlantic City Council News


April 21st, 2021 by Ric Hanson

(Atlantic, Iowa) – The Atlantic City Council met Wednesday evening with Councilmen Behrens and Casady absent, and Councilperson Grace Garrett joining in over the phone. During their session, Mayor Dave Jones signed an Arbor Day Proclamation (see the full text below), in honor of the City being designated as a Tree City USA. Local Tree City Volunteer Dolly Bergmann said this is the 25th year for the notable designation. Every year, with the exception of 2020, she has presented the City with the award.

Atlantic is one of more than 3,500 communities from across the country to have been awarded a “Tree City USA” designation. There are four requirements to receiving the title, each of which the City has passed for more than two decades. In other business, the Atlantic City Council held public hearings on several matters, and approved all of the related Resolutions or Ordinances, including:

  • Adopting the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Budget.
  • A Resolution agreeing to apply for financial assistance from USDA Rural Development, to finance the purchase of equipment and improvements necessary for the Atlantic Animal Shelter.
  • The 2nd reading of an Ordinance ordering snow removal from sidewalks. The reading passed by a vote of 4-to 1, with Councilman Pat McCurdy voting no. McCurdy has several rental properties, and doesn’t feel a 24-time frame for the removal of snow is reasonable. He would prefer 48-hours. As it stands now, the City allows 72-hours from the time the snow ceases to fall, before sidewalks must be cleared.
  • A vote on the 2nd reading of an Ordinance requiring vehicles to be moved from the streets within 24-hours of a snowfall, passed by a vote of 4-to-1, with McCurdy again in opposition for the reason given above.
  • And, the Council passed by a vote of 5-0 a Resolution setting the Council’s meeting on May 5th at 5:30-p.m., as the date for a Public Hearing on the sale of real estate in the City of Atlantic. The City has agreed to sell the lot at 211 W. 6th Street for One-dollar, to Jeff Pross, who intends to build a home on the site. As part of the agreement the City offers prospective property buyers an incentive plan. Part of that plan includes:
  1. If a home worth at least $100,000, the lot can be acquired for $1;
  2. If a house is built on the lot, the homeowner will receive a $5,000 grant to purchase a variety of locally acquired items for the house (such as an HVAC system, kitchen appliances, etc.)
  3. A veteran can receive $10,000 down payment assistance.
  4. There is also a three-year tax abatement,  if the house is located north of 14th Street, is 100%. The stipulation is that the property buyer must live in Atlantic, and not sub-lease or rent the house.