United Group Insurance

Nishna Valley YMCA received $33k Iowa Great Places/IDCA grant


January 5th, 2021 by Ric Hanson

The Nishna Valley YMCA in Atlantic has received a Strengthening Communities grant in the amount of $33,000, for renovation of the racquetball court.  The project will transform underutilized areas of the building into useful program space that would fulfill two community needs: childcare space and expansion of its Healthy Living area, which helps current and future members live healthier and more productive lives.

Atlantic was among nine communities from across Iowa that were awarded a share of $1.25 million in creative placemaking grants to build projects and strengthen communities, the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs. The funding comes from two creative placemaking programs – Iowa Great Places and Strengthening Communities – which are made possible by the Iowa Legislature’s Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund.

Through the Iowa Great Places program, the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs recognizes communities that have developed bold visions for the future and formed the plans, partnerships and projects to make those visions a reality. With the commitment of the Iowa Legislature, the State of Iowa has invested nearly $21 million in a total of 44 designated Iowa Great Places over the past 15 years, leveraging millions more in local and private investment.