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Griswold School Board to hold a hearing on the School Calendar & act return to on-site learning


January 18th, 2021 by Ric Hanson

A public hearing will be held this evening during the Griswold School Board meeting. The hearing is with regard to the 2021-22 School Calendar, following a presentation of the proposed calendar. Later on in their session, the Griswold School Board will consider approving the calendar, as presented. In other business, the Board will consider, and likely approve, entering into a closed session to discuss and possibly act on a personnel matter.

In other business, the Griswold School Board will discuss and act on requiring remote learners to return to onsite learning, as well as approval of the 2021-22 School Calendar. Their final order of business is a closed session for the purpose of discussing and acting on a negotiations strategy with a Certified Bargaining Unit. The meeting takes place in the Griswold Schools Conference Room, beginning at 5:30-p.m.