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Atlantic School Board votes to continue with mask policy until the end of the semester


December 9th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

Noting that the current policy regarding face coverings in the Atlantic School District appears to be working quite well and has limited the need to quarantine students and staff, the School Board, Wednesday night, voted unanimously to keep the policy in-place through the end of the semester, which is December 22nd. (Watch a recording of the meeting, here) Next week, Governor Reynolds is expected to come out with an updated public health proclamation, but it’s too early to know what her plans are. To be safe, the Board opted to continue with the current policy. They will meet next Thursday at 6-p.m. to discuss any changes the Governor may make with regard to face masks, and act accordingly for a policy to take the district into the second semester at that time.

The current policy, which was renewed for the third time since it was implemented, states “Face coverings will continue to be required when social distancing is not possible.” During Wednesday’s meeting, Board member Josh McLaren said after listening to what the Governor said Wednesday morning, and following comments made by Washington Elementary Principal Stacey Hornung and Schuler Prinicipal James Northwick, “Kids gotta be in school. It’s obvious.” Some of the kids who are remote learning, it was pointed out, are keeping up with their classmates who are learning in-person, while others aren’t.

Hornung said earlier in the meeting, that if a mask mandate wasn’t in effect, there would have been two or three classrooms that would have had to have gone home and learn remotely. McLaren said “To me, nothing showing me that there’s any reason to take that away [the mask policy], because I think as soon as we take it away…and what we’re doing is working I just fear that if we take it away that we’re gonna be quarantining or we’re gonna be going hybrid or going remote, and I think that’s a fault to our kids.”

Board member Laura McLean said she’s grateful kids can be in school. Board member Kristy Pellet said she too is grateful to the staff and everyone who made in-person learning possible in the district, by ensuring masks are being worn when social distancing isn’t possible.