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Governor Kim Reynolds urges Iowans to Step-up to Stop the spread of COVID-19


November 5th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds held her weekly Press Conference Thursday morning, via social media. During her session, she spoke about the elections and COVID-19. Reynolds said Iowa is not alone in the seeing a marked increase in the number of cases and hospitalizations.

She said increased testing capacity, vaccines on the horizon and other government solutions to the problem, are not enough to stop or slow the spread of the virus.

Reynolds said she understands Iowan’s and all Americans are experiencing “Pandemic Fatigue” with restrictions that remain, and the constant, daily reports showing the increasingly higher numbers of deaths and hospitalizations.

She says the last nine months have taken a toll on healthcare workers in additional Iowans in general.

Reynolds said the State will begin a sweeping Public Service campaign reminding Iowans to “Step-up and Stop” the spread of COVID-19.