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Don’t expect a mask mandate for the Atlantic CSD anytime soon


October 15th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

The Atlantic School Board discussed once again the possibility of introducing a mandatory face mask/shield policy. Prior to the beginning of the school year, the Board had an in-depth conversation about the matter, and developed a mask policy that stated anyone in grades 6-thru-12 are expected to wear masks, when social distancing was not possible.

Superintendent Steve Barber said given the square footage of both the Middle School and High School, each Principal was able to create social distancing in the classrooms and lunch area.

Barber said also, “The standard for our PK-5 building was [to encourage the use of masks] when social distancing cannot occur.” He said “Given the self-contained nature of these grades and the space available, creating social distancing is more of a challenge. “Although space has been created,” he said, “The six-feet rule is hard to achieve. These groups are in bubbles.) He added both Principals observed the number of students wearing masks [in grades PK-5] was around 10-percent.

About three weeks ago Governor Kim Reynolds issued a new directive on the use of quarantines for persons who may have been in close contact with an individual who tested positive. The director stated that when both the positive case and the close contacts to a positive case were wearing masks, the close contact doesn’t have to quarantine. The basis of the change was to keep students who are not actually infected, in school. As a result, some schools have since required or mandated masks be used on campus and/or at events.

During the discussion Wednesday night, Board members Nicholas Hunt and Laura McLean said they were still in favor of a mask mandate. Hunt said he interprets the State’s policy change as giving the District more emphasis to use a mandated mask policy and avoid quarantines. He says health and saftey is the goal, keep kids in school, and reduce absenteeism.

Hunt says he spoke with District Registered Nurse Laura Freund, who told him “Our numbers are going to get worse.” He says District staff are worried about the positive numbers possibly going up and a possible hybrid situation. Hunt said he’s spoken with other district which have a mandated mask policy if they are not social distancing, about how things are going.

Hunt said the Griswold and Denison Schools haven’t had a problem with enforcement, mostly because peer pressure reinforces the need to wear a mask. Laura McLean said there are already some significant learning gaps between those who are in classrooms and who are being educated online. She said if masks are not or cannot be used, face shields are an option.

Other board members were not keen on a mandate. No action was taken during the meeting Wednesday. It’s expected more continued, in-depth discussion will take place at the Board’s next Work Session. T