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Exira-EHK school year so far: minor hiccups, but otherwise going well


August 19th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

Students in the Exira-EHK School District began classes under the new normal of Coronavirus safety last Friday, and Superintendent Trevor Miller says the School Board, Monday discussed during their meeting, how things were going so far.

Today (Wednesday) is Professional Development (PD) collaboration day, where the students aren’t in the building but some distance learning is being conducted.

Miller said “It’s going well, but at any given time we could have an outbreak (Of COVID-19).”

Trevor Miller says the younger students are amazing at adapting to the new norm where face masks and social distancing is expected.

In other business, Mr. Miller said there was one new hire: Beth Lauritsen, who will be a part-time cook in the Exira building. He said they are looking to hire a couple of paraeducators, also. And, Miller said there will be some coaching changes for junior high, that will be added next month.