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Caregiver virtual workshops offered beginning Sept. 17th


August 22nd, 2020 by Ric Hanson

(Council Bluffs) – Connections Area Agency on Aging has announced the organization is offering two, evidence-based workshop series starting in September to benefit Caregivers: “Stress-Busting Program for Family Caregivers” is proven to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression and improve the quality of life for family caregivers. “Powerful Tools for Family Caregivers” provide caregivers with tools and strategies to better handle the unique caregiver challenges you face.

Are you a Caregiver?  Caregiving takes many forms.  You may help a relative or friend with transportation, housekeeping, grocery shopping, personal care, medications, emotional support, or doctor appointments. Caregiver classes meet online (via Zoom) once a week starting September 17.  Each class runs 90 minutes.  It is for caregivers of adults with chronic conditions.

Class size is limited, and registration is required.  There is no cost for the program but you will receive an opportunity to donate.  For more information, contact Jan Schnack, Family Caregiver Specialist at Connections Area Agency on Aging at 800-432-9209, Ext. 8116 or JSchnack@connectionsaaa.org

Connections Area Agency on Aging Family Caregiver Program supports people who care for their parents, spouses, or others aged 60+ by providing information, resources and support.