United Group Insurance

Shelby County COVID-19 Cases: 6-19-20


June 19th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

As of this (Friday) morning, positive cases of COVID-19 are on the rise in Shelby County and now stands at 56 positive cases, 40 people have recovered, there have been 3 positive serology test, 333 negative tests and 5 tests are pending. 83% of the positives are under the age of 60 which is consistent with the overall state numbers.

Throughout the state, this morning the state site is reporting 197 individuals are hospitalized with 7 of those individuals being from our RMCC area. One week ago Shelby County had 41 cases of COVID-19 with 5 individuals being monitored. This is a 27% increase in one week.

Health officials ask you to “Please as group settings become larger and more individuals venture out into public keep in mind the efforts that have helped us keep the positive case counts down in Shelby County – social distancing, wearing a face covering and washing your hands.”