United Group Insurance

IA COVID-19 update (5:30-a.m., 6/8/20)


June 8th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

Health officials in Iowa today (Monday), are reporting four more deaths from the coronavirus, and 267 new positive cases. The Iowa Department of Public Health said that brings the total of deaths to 606, and the total number of positive cases to 21,794. The number of COVID-19 tests coming back as Negative amount to 169,338, and the number of Iowans who have recovered from the virus amounts to 12,828, which is 66 more than what was reported Sunday morning.

The IDPH shows also, 265 persons are hospitalized with COVID-19, four less than Sunday. Conversely, five more people were admitted to a hospital, Sunday, for a total of 27. One less person is in an ICU, for a total of 85, and 53 are on ventilators. In the southwest/western Iowa RMCC Region 4: seven people are hospitalized with COVID-19, one less than Sunday; One more person was in an ICU, for a total of four; one person was admitted to the hospital, and one was on a ventilator.

Statewide, the number of LTC’s (Long-Term Care facilities) with reported outbreaks was stable, at 40. Among patients and staff at those facilities, 1,556 have tested positive for the virus, 792 have recovered, and 304 have died.