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Another COVID-19 case in Audubon County


May 13th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

Audubon County Public Health Director Bob Nelson, Wednesday afternoon, said ACPH and the Iowa Department of Public Health, have identified an additional case of COVID-19 in Audubon county. Nelson said the person was between the ages of 19-and 40. Nelson said also, the additional case brings the total number positive cases of COVID-19 in Audubon County, to 11. That includes six persons who have recovered, one who has died, and four that continue to be monitored.

Bob Nelson said in a social media video post, “A common question that Audubon County Public Health receives is a request for more information on a COVID-19 positive individual. Please keep in mind that when a new positive case is announced the Iowa Department of Public Health is only allowing the age range of the individual to be released. Due to confidentiality and HIPPA regulations any additional information including the person’s race, ethnicity, gender, city or employer is considered confidential information and cannot be given out.”

He added, “As the State of Iowa and Audubon County begin to reopen and you begin to re-visit businesses again please take steps to protect yourself and our community from COVID-19. Continue to practice social distancing, wash your hands frequently and do not touch your face. Wear a mask when in close proximity to others and stay home when ill. If you are over the age of 65 or have underlying health conditions please seriously consider staying home.”