United Group Insurance

Grow Another Row, Cass County (Week 2 update)

Ag/Outdoor, News

April 29th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

“Grow Another Row, Cass County!” is a campaign to encourage residents to grow more food to share in 2020. The campaign is launching to address food challenges created by COVID-19, as more people are finding themselves needing a little extra help keeping food on the table. Did you get some plants in the ground last week? Need a little help getting started? We hear you.
Need seeds? The Griswold Library will donate seeds to area gardeners this year. Just call the Griswold Library at (712) 778-4130, and talk to Lisa about what she has available. Lisa will then set the seeds out for you to pick up on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. This is open to any grower in Cass County.

Caring for plants in the spring: Although, this IS the time to plant cool season crops, it can also be a difficult time with cool nights dipping into the low 30’s and small animals looking for a treat. What can we do to keep those young crops ‘safe’? Here are some ideas.

1. Milk jugs with the bottom cut out can be placed over fresh transplants to help keep the chill off on cold nights and give a nice greenhouse effect during the day. As an added bonus, the jugs also protect the transplants from rabbits and small rodents looking for a snack. Pro tip: instead of cutting the bottom completely off the jug, cut just 3 sides and bend the flap that you have created to the side – place a rock or clod of dirt on the flap to keep milk jug from blowing away.

2. Baby powder or cornstarch is a great way to deter bugs, rabbits, and other small creatures from devouring your tiny seedlings. Just sprinkle some on at planting and remember to reapply after each rain. Be careful to not ‘poof’ the baby powder or cornstarch into your face. Can we call that a pro tip?
For more information, please contact: Brigham Hoegh, Wellness Coordinator Cass County ISU Extension 712-249-5870

3. Mulch. Weeds are not only a nuisance but can hurt garden yields. One fast, easy remedy is to mulch your plants. Mulch between rows and around plants. Whole sheets of newspapers may be used. Most are printed with organic ink. Layer 2 or 3 sheets, water them down so they stick together and to the soil surface, then weigh them down with a little soil to prevent them from blowing away in the wind. The extra work now saves time and energy later.

For more gardening tips and to sign up to participate in Grow Another Row visit https://www.extension.iastate.edu/cass/content/grow-another-row-cass-county.