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City of Atlantic Personnel & Finance Committee to meet April 29th


April 27th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

Members of the City of Atlantic’s Personnel and Finance Committee will meet 5:30-p.m. Wednesday, April 29th, during an in-person session, as opposed to via Zoom meeting. The meeting will take place in the Council Chambers, but attendance is limited to 10 people, and the six-foot separation policy will be adhered to. City Administrator John Lund says the City has acquired face masks available for those in attendance, if desired.

During the session, the Committee will hold an open discussion and take recommendations on, Human and Financial Resource changes resulting from Covid-19, along with any other business to come before them. Lund says “A lot has happened in the last 40 days. Things are rapidly changing in human resources and public finance. The City is staying on top of everything [it] can, but Council oversight of these two critical functions is essential [and] we need to have an opportunity for a question and answer period so the Council’s questions can be addressed directly and also make sure its priorities are being responded to by staff.”