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Mills County Public Health discourages all organized/spontaneous youth sports

News, Sports

March 31st, 2020 by Ric Hanson

Mills County Emergency Management Agency Public Information Officer Nick Johnson, today (Tuesday), released information about youth sports activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. The short answer – at least for now – to the question, “Should youth (or anyone) play sports during the outbreak?,”  is NO.  The CDC says that the virus gets spread most frequently among close contacts within about 6 feet — distance that is hard to create in team and even individual sports. Transmission of the virus occurs much more commonly through respiratory droplets than through contact with contaminated surfaces. However, there is risk of contact exposure with infected surfaces.

In Iowa, the risk of transmission is currently high, and the CDC recommends the cancellation of community gatherings of any size. The coming weeks are critical in limiting the spread of the virus, which is highly contagious. Mills County Public Health absolutely urges all organized and spontaneous youth sports activities to stop because it is so critical to do our part to contain this deadly virus. Medical experts are advising no exercise that involves sharing a ball. Sharing a ball right now is off-limits. … That goes the same for things like sharing dumbbells, sharing weights or sharing the same chin-up bar.

Now that does NOT mean you should refrain from going outdoors for recreation. Johnson says “Fresh air and exercise are important for physical and mental health, but we need to use caution. Maintaining a safe social distance of six feet from people who aren’t part of your household is key to controlling the spread of COVID-19.”