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Exira-EHK Board acts on 2020-21 School Calendar; Superintendent sharing & Personnel matters


February 18th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

The Exira-Elk Horn-Kimballton School Board, Monday, held a Public Hearing with regard to a proposed 2020-21 School Year Calendar. Superintendent Trevor Miller said there were some questions raised during the hearing. Including about having the Monday after Easter off, instead they have Good Friday off, as well as the Thursday before, because that is a Professional Development Day. The District will have more hours than the State Minimum 1,080, with the flexibility to allow for snow days, moving forward. The Board approved the Calendar, which has school starting Aug. 24, 2020, and ending May 21, 2021.

The Exira/EHK Board also approved an 80/20 Superintendent sharing agreement with the IKM/Manning School District. The one-year agreement stipulates Mr. Miller will serve four days in the IKM-Manning District and one-day in the Exira-EHK District, while getting all the work done by serving different hours and through the use of technology. And, they approved Personnel transfers, hires and resignations. Brittany Williams is transferring from 1st grade Teacher to 3rd grade, which opens up the 1st grade position that’s been posted on various educational employment websites.

Special Education teacher Bev Ohlinger is going to retire. She came to the district from Tri-Center last year. Kathy Blazek was hired as a half-time, long-term substitute in the Elementary, covering Special Education; Dave Burkett’s contract was renewed as a para educator in the Elk Horn Building; and many contract renewals mean Athletic personnel will be returning for the upcoming school year. Miller says the District is in the processing of looking for a K-8 Guidance/P.E. position, a High School Business position, and a Middle School Special Education position.