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Civil War story presentation in Atlantic: Postponed to April 19th


January 18th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

JUST BEFORE THE BATTLE MOTHER:A VISIT FROM A CIVIL WAR SOLDIER is the name of a program that was scheduled to be given 2-p.m. Sunday, January 19th, at the Armory, in Atlantic. The event has been postponed until April 19, 2020, when O.J. Fargo will portray an Iowa soldier’s Civil War experience dressed in full Union Army regalia.

He’ll bring an artifact display and a roster of Iowans who served in the Civil War. Everyone is welcome. There is no fee and refreshments will be available. The program is sponsored by ARISE and funded by Humanities Iowa and Atlantic Community Promotion Commission. Againt, the program is POSTPONED UNTIL APRIL 19, 2020.