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Biden and the Vilsacks visit Atlantic


December 22nd, 2019 by Ric Hanson

Former Vice President Joe Biden and former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack and his wife Christie made a campaign stop in Atlantic Sunday afternoon. Biden and his guests spoke to a crowd of 200 people (according to campaign spokesperson Laurie Anderson) at the Cass County Community Center, and his main theme was the damage President Trump has done to the “soul of America.”

A large crowd gathers prior to hearing Biden and others speak. (Ric Hanson/photo)

Former V-P Joe Biden talks with members of the crowd in Atlantic. (Randy Hanson/photo)

Biden said “plain” and “Simple decency” is found in Iowa, but not in the current leadership. He said “You all reflect what the nation needs most [basic simple decency], and I think people are so hungry for a return to a sense of decency in our leadership in this country.”

He said also “We have to bring this country together. We have to unite this country.” He added that “a lot of people think that isn’t possible or within our purview.” He said he’s been through two impeachment processes, and it’s hard on the country. “There’s nothing to celebrate about it.” Biden said also, Trump brought his impeachment upon himself.

He said Congress and the House has a Constitutional duty to uphold the Constitution. Biden says his critics said he’s “Living in the past,” that he “Doesn’t understand today’s Trump Republican Party,” and that he’s “Naive.” Biden says he’s not angry about the money Republican’s have spent lying about him, trying to destroy his only living son and his family. He said this race isn’t about him, it’s about “We the people,” and serving their needs. Right now, he said, the government, and the people, are “In gridlock.”

Biden said spoke also about “restoring the Middle Class.” He said he doesn’t believe the vast majority of registered Republicans and Independents are “As heartless and careless as this President and this administration is. We can’t let that be, for our own safety’s sake.” Biden said overcoming four-years of Donald Trump can be done with great difficulty, but if he’s given another term in office, he will “Fundamentally change the nature of who we are, at least for several generations. Democracy is earned every generation, and it’s really on the brink.”

He said in conclusion, “Let’s give Donald Trump his walking papers.”