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Cass County Board of Supervisors approve tower lease with NISHNANET, set date for sale of parcel in Cumberland


September 24th, 2019 by admin

The Cass County Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday at the board room at the Cass County Courthouse. The board addressed just a couple of items during the short session.

The board approved an updated agreement for tower use with NISHNANET for wireless internet equipment on the tower. Marne Elk Horn Telephone Company has their equipment on the tower now and sold their wireless internet division to NISHNANET. The previous agreement was non-transferable, so a new agreement had to be signed. NISHNANET owner Scott Bennett appeared before the board to explain his business and said the new equipment will be very similar in size and weight. The previous agreement called for Marne Elk Horn Telephone to trade services as a backup internet provider for use of the tower. NISHNANET is planning to provide a fiber connection for the courthouse, and replace Mediacom as the primary provider for the courthouse, in exchange for tower use. The board unanimously approved the agreement effective today and signed the new documents.

The board then set a hearing date for the sale of a county owned parcel in Cumberland for October 8th. Darrin Hardisty owns the surrounding property and requested to buy the parcel from the County. After the board discussed what would be the best option to execute the sale, they decided that the parcel would be sold by an auction session following the hearing on October 8th. Supervisor Steve Green suggested they process the sale in that matter so there would be no argument from others on the process. The notice of hearing will be published in the Anita and Atlantic newspapers on October 3rd.