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Open casting call Saturday in Des Moines for movie chronicling last season of six-on-six girls basketball

News, Sports

August 23rd, 2019 by admin

NEW PROVIDENCE, Iowa – An upcoming movie about Iowa’s six-on-six girls basketball could be the big break for anyone hoping to break into show business, particularly high school female basketball players, parents and fans of the game.

Open casting calls are set for this Saturday in Des Moines and next Saturday in Iowa Falls, with producers emphasizing that acting experience and preparation are not needed. The first casting call will be held Saturday at the Des Moines Playhouse lower level, 831 42nd St., from 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. The second casting call will be Saturday, Aug. 31 at the Iowa Falls Chamber of Commerce, 520 Rockslyvania Ave, Iowa Falls from 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.

The movie, “New Providence,” will depict the final season of Iowa’s six-on-six basketball. It’s the story of Jimmy Voss, an often-controversial New York sportswriter sent to a small town in Iowa to cover the final season of the state’s iconic six-on-six high school girls basketball in 1993. What he encounters is a passion for the sport by the coach and team and an undying love for the small town. When he allows himself to enter into their world, Voss discovers that being sent to New Providence, Iowa may have been the best day of his life.

The screenplay’s author, Jack Smith, moved to New Providence himself in 1993 to run a business and quickly became a student of the unique game. Fearless Cinema, LLC is developing the script and producing the film.

“Being a basketball and history junkie, I soon learned that in Iowa, girls six-on-six basketball was what high school football is to Texas and boy’s high school basketball is to Indiana,” said Smith, who interviewed players, coaches and fans, poured over articles about the sport and watched hours of game video as he wrote his work. “Six-on-six basketball was very special and a small town’s status and spirit was often based on how far its girls’ team advanced in the state tournament.”