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Atlantic Parks Board upset by news positions may be filled by appointment instead of elections


June 17th, 2019 by Ric Hanson

The Atlantic City Council, Wednesday evening, will discuss and act on a change from electing Parks and Recreation Board members to appointing those members, which comes as a complete surprise to the Parks Board. The Board, earlier this year, proposed reducing the terms of members to four-years instead of six, which the Personnel and Finance Committee endorsed during their meeting in February.

City Administrator John Lund said in a preview to Wednesday’s City Council meeting, that he and City Attorney David Wiederstein found it impossible to change the terms without disrupting the cycle of elections. Wiederstein is recommending the Council consider the option of ending the elections for the Board, and having them made by appointment. Lund says he agrees with that idea, and it would fall in-line with the Airport Commission and AMU Board.

Parks Board member Charlene Beane said the change was “Very disconcerting.” They didn’t know about the change until the matter appeared in the local paper Monday morning. She said “I’m horrified. The more elected jobs there are in the city, the better your democracy is represented. I think this idea of appointed positions keeps the same old pool going.” She said also, “Right now I see a lot of top-down governing that I don’t think is for the best.”

Assistant Parks Director Roger Herring agreed, saying “Often times you get into situations where you have accusations that it’s a ‘Good ol’ Boy’s society,’ to which Beane replied, “And it often is.” Herring said in that type of situation, you surround yourself with your own ‘yes” people, [whereas with elections] you have a better chance of representation, because you have a group that senses there’s a situation there and they want to be more involved…and run the risk of running for election and soliciting votes.” Beane said the change “came out of left field, and I resent it.” Other Board members concurred.

Councilman Pat McCurdy suggested the Parks Board attend Wednesday evening’s meeting to voice their opposition to terms of appointment instead of election. In other business, Interim Parks Director Bryant Rasmussen provided updates on the Schildberg Development Project. He said the west playground community building is this Friday and Saturday. The Street Department has been working in advance to excavate the playground area, and Snyder and Associates Engineers will pinpoint the holes for the playground poles and mounting equipment to make the install proceed faster.

A representative of Miracle Playground Equipment will be on hand Saturday to guide the construction process. Anyone wanting to help with the construction of the playground is welcome to show up between for one of two shifts each day:  8:00 AM until Noon and 1:00 PM until 5:00 PM. Lunch and tools will be provided. You may contact Park Director Bryant Rasmussen for more information at the Parks and Recreation Office (712) 249-3542.