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Iowa early News Headlines: Sunday, April 28 2019


April 28th, 2019 by Ric Hanson

Here is the latest Iowa news from The Associated Press at 5:40 a.m. CDT

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Iowa lawmakers have ended the 2019 legislative session. Legislators adjourned the session Saturday that was highlighted by the passage of bills that authorize farmers to grow hemp, gamblers to bet on sports and a requirement that local governments publicize and get a supermajority vote on property tax increases. The session ended with bills on gun rights, abortion, animal abuse penalties, traffic cameras, Medicaid work requirements, judge selection and solar energy fees left unfinished.

DUBUQUE, Iowa (AP) — A blast of winter in late spring is hitting northern and northeastern Iowa. A snowstorm that is pushing through the upper Midwest this weekend is also moving through parts of northern Iowa, dropping heavy snow in the area, including along Interstate 35 through Clear Lake and Mason City. The snow, paired with high winds, rain and fog in some places, have cut visibility and made driving in the area dangerous.

SCOTTSBLUFF, Neb. (AP) — A western Nebraska junior college president is taking a similar job in northeast Iowa. Western Nebraska Community College President Todd Holcomb is scheduled to take over July 1 at Hawkeye Community College in Waterloo. The Iowa college’s board voted 8-1 Tuesday evening to hire Holcomb as president to replace Linda Allen, who is retiring.

OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — Communities across Nebraska and Iowa participated in the federal Drug Enforcement Administration’s Drug Take-Back Day this weekend. The program allowed the public to drop off unused, expired or unwanted prescription drugs at scores of collection sites across the two states, Saturday.