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Cass County Supervisors approve Joint Engineer Agreement w/Montgomery County


April 30th, 2019 by Ric Hanson

The Cass County Board of Supervisors, today (Tuesday), approved a joint agreement between Cass and Montgomery Counties, for interim County Engineer services in Montgomery County, using Cass County Engineer Charles Bechtold. County Auditor Dale Sunderman read from the motion to approve the agreement, which stipulates Bechtold will serve as the interim Montgomery County Engineer until June 30, 2019, or until Montgomery County hires a full-time professional engineer. Bechtold said he didn’t have a problem with filling the temporary post, as long as most of the necessary paperwork for Montgomery County road and bridge projects can be reviewed and approved electronically, and the scope of the work is defined.

Bechtold also said he would be willing to help Montgomery County in the search-hiring process for a new Engineer. The timing for getting an Engineer in place is critical, he said, because the County’s Iowa DOT Budget Amendment has to be filed before June 1st. In Cass County, Bechtold said that’s not a problem. And, while the Cass-Montgomery County matter was approved, the Supervisors tabled action on a FY 2020 Employment Agreement with Bechtold until their meeting May 14th at 9-a.m.

In other business, the Board approved the first amendment to the Child Support Staffing Contract with Child Support Recovery, incorporating the program budget for State Fiscal Year 2020. Auditor Dale Sunderman explained Cass County is paid to administer flow-through funding from State funds.