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Atlantic City Council to holding a hearing re: Downtown Revitalization Project


April 15th, 2019 by Ric Hanson

The Atlantic City Council has a full agenda for their meeting 5:30-p.m. Wednesday in their chambers at City Hall. Among the topics of discussion, is that which pertains to erosion issues and possible remedies for Troublesome Creek, which is seeing increased erosion near the AMU well fields, and that will eventually encroach on the trail system. Snyder and Associates’ Jeff Godwin will explain the problem in more detail and how it can be fixed.

The Council will then hold a Public Hearing on Designating the Urban Renewal Area for the Atlantic Downtown Revitalization Project, as part of the required process of formally applying to the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Downtown Revitalization Fund. SWIPCO’s Alexis Fleener will be present to update the Council on the project. The hearing will be followed by action on a Resolution of “Necessity to establish the boundaries of the Atlantic Facade Improvements Phase 1 Project Area by identifying the District a blighted area.”

The Council will act on a related Resolution to authorize Mayor Dave Jones to make an application to the CDBG Downtown Revitalization Fund, and act on an Order to Adopt an Administrative Plan for the Atlantic Downtown Revitalization Project. In other business, the Council will consider a bid of $5,350 for City-Owned Property at 602 Spruce Street, which is the full price for the lot.

They will also hold a Public Hearing on the Plans, Specifications and Form of Contract for the 2019 Palm Street Improvement Project, the 85 page document for which is available in advance by request, from the City Administrator. The hearing will be followed by: a Resolution approving the plans, specs & form of contract; a review of the construction bids, and awarding of contract for the project.

Among the other action items on the City Council’s agenda, is the setting of a bid date and public hearing for the addition of a break room to the City Shed on the northwest side of town. The City has set aside $100,000 for the proposed project (that does NOT mean it will cost that much. It’s the maximum budgeted). The Council will also act on an Order to approve an electrical easement for an alley off 10th Street, (east of 708 W. 10th Street) between Birch and Mahogany Drive, as a follow-up to a request from AMU.

And last but not least, the Council will hold the first reading of an Ordinance amending a 2011 Re-codification of the Municipal Code enacted to assist City Officials and the RAGBRAI Committee in dealing with the public health and safety issues associated with the event to be held July 21st-22nd. And, the Mayor will discuss the future of the Atlantic Senior Center. New developments include: another party has expressed an interest in the building, and that they Elks may be considering another bid submission. Mayor Jones is likely to have the matter reviewed by the Personnel and Finance Committee, according to City Administrator John Lund.