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Atlantic FFA Holds Annual Banquet


March 29th, 2019 by Ric Hanson

(Courtesy Atlantic FFA reporter Craig Alan Becker) — The Atlantic FFA Banquet was held on Monday, March 25 at the Atlantic High School. 160 members and guests were present for the event, which started with the opening ceremonies, led by the 2018-2019 chapter officers. This year the officers include President Tyler Comes, Vice President Nathan Behrends, Secretary Katie York, Treasurer Zade Nikaleson, Sentinel Adriana Mendez, Reporter Tate DenBeste, and Student Advisor Corri Pelzer.

2018-19 Officers
Left to Right
Adriana Mendez, Katie York, Corri Pelzer
Left to Right
Zade Niklasen, Nathan Behrends, Tyler Comes, Tate Den Beste

The opening ceremonies was followed by a welcome to members and guests, and was given by President Tyler Comes. A reflection was then said by Nathan Behrends. Following the reflection, dinner was held for members and guests alike. Beef brisket was donated as the main dish by the Comes family, and HyVee donated disposable plates and silverware. Members were asked to bring a side dish or dessert as well.

At the conclusion of dinner, two guest speakers spoke to the audience. The first was Chad Comes, the father of FFA President Tyler Comes. Mr. Comes talked about the importance of remembering the basics in life, and how we sometimes have to pull away from technology to do so. “We’re all guilty about looking at our screens too much, including me. But it’s good to remember the basics. It’s the basic things that we can’t forget.” The next speaker was Atlantic FFA Alumni Representative, Beth Irlbeck. Irlbeck talked about the many possibilities for people to get involved with the Alumni organization. “There are many opportunities to get involved. Some examples include helping with fundraisers, driving FFA members to events when needed, and just finding ways how to help benefit our chapter.” Katie York gave the secretary’s report. And the treasurer’s report was given by Zade Niklasen. The balance on hand stated was $8,870.19.

Following the guest speakers, awards were given out. First were those recognized for earning 10,000 FFA points throughout their time as a member. These points are earned through getting involved with our chapter. The more activities and events a member participates in, the more points they earn. Those recognized for reaching 10,000 points included Katie York, Tyler Comes, and Nathan Behrends. The next award was the Academic Achievement Award. This award is given to those who have been a part of the Atlantic FFA chapter for three years, and have maintained a 3.5 GPA throughout all those years. Those who received the Academic Achievement Award included Nathan Behrends, Connor Pellett, Alana Welter, Sadie Welter, Ashley Wendt, Katie York, Zade Niklasen, and Halsey Bailey.

10,000 pts Club
Nathan Behrends, Katie York, Tyler Comes

After the Academic Achievement Award came the Star Greenhand, Star Ag Placement, Star Ag Business, and Star of Ag Production Awards. The Star Greenhand is awarded to a freshman who the chapter officers feel was the most involved with the chapter in the past year. This award was given to Bryan York. The next award, Star Ag Placement, is an award is given to a member that has done an exceptional job in their employment, whether that be in or out of agriculture. This award was received by Katie York. Next came the Star Ag Business Award, which was given to Nathan Behrends. Nathan was given this award for his outstanding work at his family farm operation. Following the Star Ag Business Award, Tyler Comes was awarded the Star of Ag Production. This award is given to a member who does an outstanding job in their work of agriculture production, while working on their own operation.

This year, the new officers for the 2019-2020 term elected four members to receive the Atlantic FFA Leadership Award, which is given in appreciation to those who have shown leadership through their years in FFA. These four members who received the award include Katie York, Zade Niklasen, Nathan Behrends, and Tyler Comes. Officers also elected four families to receive the Honorary Chapter Farmer award, which is given to families who have played a large role in helping the Atlantic FFA chapter and the activities they do. Those that accepted this award include Kurt and Michelle Behrends, Dave and Kristi York, and the family of Tresa and Chad Comes.

To finish the award recognitions, Tyler Comes and Taylor McCreedy were recognized for their state proficiency awards. These proficiency awards are given to members who have an outstanding Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE) project. Tyler Comes placed 5th in the state in his proficiency award area of beef entrepreneurship, and Taylor McCreedy placed 2nd in her proficiency award in equine science. After awards were given to members, Katie York talked about her involvement in the Iowa FFA Choir and Iowa FFA Band. She explained how “she has done this the past three years” and has noticed how more people from Atlantic have begun to do it. “At first, I was the only one from Atlantic who took part in the event,” she said. “But now there are several kids who go, and I think it is a great opportunity to get involved in FFA.” York will be traveling to the Iowa FFA State Convention this April in order to be involved in both the choir and band groups.

After Katie talked about the FFA Chorus and Band, degrees were given out to members. This year, 9 members were given the Discovery Degree. The Discovery Degree is awarded to members who are finishing their 8th grade year of schooling, and have been involved in FFA for one year. Those that have been involved for one year of high school Ag, received the Greenhand Degree, which was given to 12 members. Next came 15 members who were Chapter FFA degrees, which are given to members who have been involved in FFA for 2 years since being in high school, or members who have been in FFA for three years including their 8th grade year.

The banquet concluded with the installation of new chapter officers. For the upcoming 2019-2020 year, the new officers include the following: Adriana Mendez as President, Carli Henderson as Vice President, Tate DenBeste as Secretary, Corri Pelzer as Treasurer, Taylor McCreedy as Sentinel, Craig Alan Becker as Reporter, and Alyssa Derby as Student Advisor.