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Ernst wants border secure, but doesn’t want government shutdown


December 14th, 2018 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) — President Donald Trump has been going back and forth with Democratic leaders about including money in the budget to build a wall to stop illegal immigration — and says he would be proud to shut down the government to get it. Iowa Senator Joni Ernst, says she doesn’t want to see that happen. “Well, I disagree. I would not be proud to shut down the government. I think we all in Congress strive to not shut down the government. I think that would be detrimental to our federal agencies and the various activities that they support,” Ernst says.

Ernst is a Republican from Red Oak and says while it doesn’t appear either side wants to back down, she is hopeful. “I am always an optimist and I hope that we can find a way forward working between the House and the Senate to find a plan that will work — that will work for Republicans and Democrats,” Ernst says. “I do think we need to secure our border, I do support the president in those efforts.”  Ernst says it will not be easy to get done. She says it will take some time and they will push through and hopefully will not see a government shutdown.

Ernst made her comments during a conference call with reporters