United Group Insurance

Reminder: 5-p.m. today is the deadline to vote early prior to the General Election


November 5th, 2018 by Ric Hanson

Cass County Auditor Dale Sunderman reminds citizens that today (Monday), is the last day for Registered Voters to vote early at the Auditor’s Office, in the Courthouse. The office is open until 5-p.m. A voter may register and vote Absentee as well as vote early, today. The polls are open from 7-a.m. until 9-p.m. Tuesday, for the General Election. Sunderman reminds you as well, that straight-ticket voting has been eliminated beginning with this election, meaning you cannot vote on one party or another only. Each position on the ballot must be voted on individually. Voters should anticipate it will take a little longer therefore, to mark your ballot.