United Group Insurance

Saeugling Competes at National FFA Convention

Ag/Outdoor, News

October 31st, 2018 by Ric Hanson

Emily Saeugling from the Atlantic FFA Chapter, competed in the National FFA Prepared Public Speaking Leadership Development Event (LDE) at the National FFA Convention & Expo advancing to the National Semifinals. The event was held in conjunction with the 91st National FFA Convention & Expo in Indianapolis. Emily presented her speech titled “Herding the Beef Industry to a Traceable Future”. In the first round Emily competed against 6 students, who were also State winners in 2018. Emily advanced the semi final round where she competed against 3 other individuals for the right to advance to the final round. While Emily did not advanced to the final 4, she did an outstanding job presenting and answering questions from the judges.


Emily said, “Competing at the National FFA Convention was an opportunity for me to research and speak about an issue that I am passionate about. I am also thankful for all the Prepared Public Speaking Leadership Development Event has taught me about advocating for agriculture.” The prepared public speaking LDE is designed to recognize outstanding FFA members for their ability to prepare and present a factual speech on a specific agricultural issue in a well thought-out and logical manner in a competitive setting. Members prepare and deliver an eight to ten minute speech from memory and respond to five minutes of questions. The event is just one way FFA members can develop their ability to communicate in a powerful, organized and professional manner.

The event, held at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown and the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, is one of many educational activities at the National FFA Convention & Expo in which FFA members practice the lessons learned in agricultural education classes.