United Group Insurance


Trading Post

September 25th, 2018 by Jim Field

FOR SALE: Swing set/slide/fort. $125. Call 712-243-1485 in Atlantic. SOLD!

FOR SALE: Exercise bike $25. Call 712-243-1485 in Atlantic.  SOLD!

FOR SALE: bedroom set including dresser, chest, bedside table, and king platform bed with under bed storage. $400. Call 712-243-1485 in Atlantic.  SOLD!

GARAGE SALE: This Friday 8-6 and Saturday 8-noon, 804 E. Mahogany. New seasonal craft items, baby kitchen pot holders, towels and lots of other new craft items, books, toys, clothes, misc.

FOR SALE: 2003 Suzuki Aerio 4 door, blue, good shape. 712-420-3016 or 712-420-2609.

FOR SALE: Used refrigerator, good size, works fine. Has a freezer on top. $50. 249-0233 in Atlantic