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Audubon School Board approves various policies, hires & online Spanish Course


August 21st, 2018 by Ric Hanson

The Audubon School Board met Monday night during a regular session. Superintendent Brett Gibbs told KJAN the Board approved the second readings of four policies, and the first reading of two other policies. They also approved Iowa Learning Online as a Spanish course, because the Board was unable to find any qualified instructors following the loss of their Spanish Teacher from Spain program. He said the young lady who came from Spain to provide instruction last year and was supposed to stay for two-to-three years, had family health issues in her country. Another Spanish Teacher from Spain was found, but that person notified the district at the end of July that she was unable to come to the U-S. Gibbs said “There aren’t many candidates out there to begin with,” and it was too late in the year to secure a candidate.

The program will be an added cost to the District, but not to its students. Gibbs said also, the Board approved several contracts, including those for custodial positions, bus drivers and associate (para-educator) positions, which hopefully translates to more students and their families moving into the district. He said also, the Board tabled action on Administrative Early Retirement, and set Sept. 5th at 6:30-p.m., as the date and time for a School Board work session. Gibbs said they will talk about the future of the District, including whether or not to continue sharing his position with Coon Rapids-Bayard, and other matters.

The Board also discussed the Sept. 11th PPEL Vote, which is a renewal of the 10-year Physical Plant and Equipment Levy at the unchanged rate of 67-cents per thousand dollars valuation.