United Group Insurance


Trading Post

May 22nd, 2018 by Jim Field

FOR SALE:  375 CONCRETE PAVING BRICKS, 4” X 8”.  Asking $0.25 EACH.   CALL 712-243-4426.

FOR SALE:  2 lawn mowers:  a 22″ Craftsman self-propelled, runs well, $125 and a 22″ Yard Machine for $60.  Located in Hamlin, call 712-304-4998.

FOR SALE: Brand new 2-piece swimsuit.  New, never worn, Two piece swimsuit, shorts/tankini gray/fuschia, still has tags. Tankini size small, shorts size med $30.  Have pics on phone, 712-789-0479.

FOR SALE:  2007 Peterbilt Daycab 475 HP, CAT 10 Speed, 1 million miles, does not use oil, mechanically sound, asking $17,000.00 Firm.  Also, 2003 Wilson Grain Trailer 41 X 96 X 66, good brakes and tires, $17,000.00 Firm.  Package $32,000.00. Please call 712-268-2800.

FOR SALE: Gas cook stove, natural gas hookup. $75. Call 712-254-3878.