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Trading Post

March 13th, 2018 by Jim Field

FOR SALE:  I have 23 dolls I would like to sell, $10.00 each or all 23 for $100.00, if interested please call or text 865-963-7499.

FOR SALE:  dark pine table and 4 solid captain’s chairs, includes 2 leaves to sit a total of eight people.  Make an offer, call 243-4788.

FOR SALE:  Alaska doll $25.00, Praying Angel doll $15.00 or will take $30.00 for both, call or text 865-963-7499, if no answer please leave message and I will call you back.

FOR SALE:  full pick-up loads of firewood.  Call 712-420-3016.

FOR SALE:  Art supplies, lots of items, make an offer.  Call 243-4788.