United Group Insurance

Produce in the Park planning meeting in Atlantic set for 3/22/18

Ag/Outdoor, News

March 21st, 2018 by Ric Hanson

Spring is here, and tomorrow (Thursday, March 22nd) will mark the 2nd Produce in the Park planning meeting of 2018. The meeting will be held at 4:30-p.m. in the Atlantic Area Chamber of Commerce meeting room at 102 Chestnut Street, Atlantic. Anyone interested in this community event is invited to attend, especially those interested in selling locally grown produce and handmade crafts. The market is always looking for fresh ideas for entertainment and kids activities as well.

The opening date for Produce in the Park is May 31 and it will be held every Thursday night, 4:30 to 6:30 in Atlantic City Park. The vendor fee is $60 for the season. Funding and budget will be discussed as well as volunteer opportunities and a discussion on sampling goods at the market. Decisions are made by attendees of the meeting. The mission of Produce in the Park is promoting local food production and consumption, and building community to enhance the health and well-being of residents. Produce in the Park provides opportunities for direct marketing for producers, access to fresh local foods for consumers, social networking and educational opportunities for all participants.

For more information contact Emily Paulsen, Susan Retz, Emily Krengel, LaVon Eblen or the Atlantic Area Chamber of Commerce.